谁能帮我?我收到未处理的异常错误“program.exe 中 0x1027d440 (msvcr100d.dll) 处的未处理异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置 0x00000000。” 现在该程序实际上并没有执行任何操作。所有答案都回来了,好像用户选择了第一个单选按钮(我有 5 个设置来选择使用哪种方法)。但答案总是归零?我必须改变什么才能得到它,所以如果用户选择说..减法,那么程序会这样做吗?我将其设置为值,但我想某处有错误。谢谢!
这就是我在 HTML 页面上设置的方式
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro6.dtd">
<p align="center">
<td>Select which Mathmatical operation you would like to perform:</td>
<BR> </P>
<table border="0" align="center">
<td>Enter a number to be calculated:</td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Number1" SIZE="14" MAXLENGTH="20"></p></td>
<td>Enter a second number to be calculated:</td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Number2" SIZE="14" MAXLENGTH="20"></p></td>
<FORM ACTION="http://localhost:8080/cgi-bin/calc.exe" METHOD=”GET">
<p align="center">
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "mathOperation" VALUE = "0" ><b>Addition</B>
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "mathOperation" VALUE = "1" ><b> Subtraction</B>
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "mathOperation" VALUE = "2" ><b> Multiplication</B>
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "mathOperation" VALUE = "3" ><b> Division</B>
<INPUT TYPE = "RADIO" NAME = "mathOperation" VALUE = "4" ><b> Square Root</B>
<p align="center">Enter the number of decimal places you'd like displayed:
<input TYPE="text" NAME="Decimal" size="14" MAXLENGTH="50">
VALUE="Submit Information"> </P>
VALUE="Reset Form"></P></FORM> </BODY>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
//Function prototype
int getvar(char *, char *, char *);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int length; // only up to 32767 chars
char buffer[1024]; // Buffer size
char *data; // Input to program pointer
char dest1[10]; // Destination fields
char dest2[10];
char dest3[10];
float number1; // first number
float number2; // second number
int mathOperation; // operation to perform
float answer; // place to store the result
// GET Method
if (strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"), "GET") == 0)
// CGI input is located in the QUERY_STRING environment variable
strcpy( buffer, getenv("QUERY_STRING"));
// CGI input data is read from standard input
data= (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*(length+1));
cin.get(data, length);
strcpy(buffer, data);
free (data);
// Find the program inputs in the user supplied data
getvar("Number1", dest1,buffer);
getvar("Number2", dest2,buffer);
getvar("MathOperation", dest3,buffer);
// Convert the data to the right data type
number1 = (float) atof(dest1); // The variable number1 contains the first number
number2 = (float) atof(dest2); // The variable number2 contains the second number
mathOperation = atoi(dest3); // The math operation code
// Perform the correct mathematical operation based on the
// user specifications
if(mathOperation == 0) // perform addition
answer = number1 + number2;
cout << "<p/>\n" "Your addition answer is = " <<(answer)<< "<br/>\n";
else if (mathOperation == 1) // perform subtraction
answer = number1 - number2;
cout << "<p/>\n" "Your subtraction answer is = " <<(answer)<< "<br/>\n";
else if (mathOperation == 2) // perform multiplication
answer = number1 * number2;
cout << "<p/>\n" "Your answer is = " <<(answer)<< "<br/>\n";
else if (mathOperation == 3) // perform division
answer = number1 / number2;
cout << "<p/>\n" "Your answer is = " <<(answer)<< "<br/>\n";
else if (mathOperation == 4) // perform square root
cout << "The square root of " << number1 << " is " << sqrt(number1) << endl;
cout << "The square root of " << number2 << " is " << sqrt(number2) << endl;
// I still need to add additional code.. but.. for now..
cout << "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
cout << "<html><body>\n";
cout << "</body></html>\n";
return 1;
//(Include the c++ getvar comment block and code here)
int getvar(char *var, char *dest, char *stream)
char *vptr;
int size, i=0, j=0, hex; /* ptr+i to src, ptr+j to dest */
vptr=strstr(stream, var);
if(vptr) ;
else return(1); /* 1 for a checkbox thats off */
if((vptr==stream)||(*(vptr-1)=='&')) ;
else return(-1); /* -1 for a var that appears in error */
size=(int) strlen(var)+1; /* +1 accounts for the = */
if(*(vptr+size+i)=='+') /* output a space */
*(dest+j)=' ';
else if(*(vptr+size+i)=='%') /* hex character */
else *(dest+j)=*(vptr+size+i);
i++; j++;