我刚买了 abbyy Finereader 11 copr 从另一个程序运行它,但我找不到任何可用于finereader.exe 的推荐。所以没有任何命令它只是打开和扫描,但我需要告诉它在哪里保存文档以及如何命名和再次关闭应用程序,将它作为后台任务也很酷。
5 回答
在做我的 OCR 研究项目时,发现了一个。适用于 FR12,未使用早期版本进行测试。
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt /quit
general command line: <open_keys/scanning> [<recognition_keys>] [<export_keys>]
<open_keys/scanning> ::= ImageFiles | /scan [SourceName] | /file [filename1 filename2], where
ImageFiles - list of files for recognition
SourceName - images source (scanner); if not specified, current is used
filename.. - list of files for recognition
<recognition_keys> ::= [/lang Language] [/optionsFile OptionsFileName], where
Language - name of language in English (russian, greek, Mixed)
OptionsFileName - path to options file
<export_key> ::= /out ExportFile | /send Target, where
ExportFile - name of file with extension to save file to
(txt, rtf, doc, docx, xml, htm(l), xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, dbf, csv, lit);
Target - name of target app where to open
(MSWord, MSExcel, WordPro, WordPerfect, StarWriter, Mail, Clipboard, WebBrowser, Acrobat, PowerPoint)
此命令打开 FR ui,处理文件,然后关闭它(如果您传递参数 /quit)。FineCmd.exe 位于您安装它的 FR 目录中
您好,我很晚才看到此消息,但我使用 ABBYY 命令行已有 10 年了。
我更喜欢 ABBYY 8,因为它可以更快地完成同样的工作并且不会打开任何 GUI。它带有 FineOCR.exe:
"C:\...\ABBYY FineReader 8\FineOCR.exe" %1 /lang greek english /send MsWord
它执行 OCR 并打开 MsWord 。FineOCR.txt 是一个简单的帮助文件。
关于 ABBYY 11,12(所有版本),有一个 FineCmd.exe 。使用类似的东西:
"c:\...\FineReader\FineCMD.exe" %1 /lang greek english /send MsWord
做 FineOCR 之前做过的事情(但没有 .txt 帮助文件)
Unfortunately, Such a professional OCR software doesn't support command line utilities. For batch processing, it offers HOT FOLDER utility inside it (from GUI). http://informationworker.ru/finereader10.en/hotfolder_and_scheduling/installandrun.htm
If you want to make OCR batch processing from your program, they sell another software, called 'ABBYY Recoginition Server'.
There also offer a comprehensive API for programmers : http://www.abbyy.com/ocr_sdk_windows/technical_specifications/developer_environment/
If your plan is to batch process them and write the contents to a Database, you can also do a programmatical trick to overcome such limitation, as I did recently in one of my projects (It is a bit offline-way but it is simple and works) : While parsing the files and putting them to your Database table from your program, move (or copy) them all into a folder while changing their filename to include an ID from your Database table. Then use 'hot folder' utility to OCR all files, by having the same filename with TXT extention (It is set from 'hot folder' settings). Then in your program parse the folder's text files, get their content as string, and parse the table IDS from filename, the rest is updating your table with that information.)
一年后,ABBYY 确实支持命令行使用:http ://www.ocr4linux.com/en:documentation
版本 14 不使用以下方式保存输出文件:
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt /quit
FineCmd.exe PRESS2.TIFF /lang Mixed /out C:\temp\result.txt
版本 11 和 12 使用上述命令运行良好(确实保存了输出),但确实显示了可以使用/quit
版本 9 和 10 不附带FineCmd.exe
or FineOCR.exe
版本 8 可以 OCR 并将输出发送到选择的应用程序,但不能使用 /out
. 以我的经验,它确实打开了 GUI。