在 NLTKsenseval模块中,语义的形式HARD1为 ,HARD2等(参见此处的源代码)。但是,似乎没有办法获得实际定义。我正在尝试实现 Lesk 算法,现在我正在尝试检查 Lesk 算法预测的感觉是否正确(使用 WordNet 的定义)。

我遇到的问题是如何将 WordNet 定义与senseval答案 ( HARD1, HARD2) 统一起来。有人知道如何将 SENSEVAL 意义翻译成定义,或者在某个地方查找吗?


1 回答 1


我最终发现这些与 WordNet 1.7 中的感觉相对应,这是相当古老的(在 Mac OS X 或 Ubuntu 11.04 上似乎不容易安装)。

我找不到 WordNet 1.7 的在线版本。

这个站点也有一些关于这三个语料库的有用信息。例如,它说的六种含义interest取自在线朗文英语词典(大约 2001 年)。看这里

它将 HARD 的来源描述为 WordNet 1.7。

最终,我最终手动将定义映射到 WordNet 3.0 中的定义。如果你有兴趣,这里是字典。但是请注意,我不是语言学专家,而且它们并不准确

# A map of SENSEVAL senses to WordNet 3.0 senses.
# SENSEVAL-2 uses WordNet 1.7, which is no longer installable on most modern
# machines and is not the version that the NLTK comes with.
# As a consequence, we have to manually map the following
# senses to their equivalent(s).
    "HARD1": ["difficult.a.01"],    # not easy, requiring great physical or mental
    "HARD2": ["hard.a.02",          # dispassionate
    "HARD3": ["hard.a.03"],         # resisting weight or pressure
    "interest_1": ["interest.n.01"], # readiness to give attention
    "interest_2": ["interest.n.03"], # quality of causing attention to be given to
    "interest_3": ["pastime.n.01"],  # activity, etc. that one gives attention to
    "interest_4": ["sake.n.01"],     # advantage, advancement or favor
    "interest_5": ["interest.n.05"], # a share in a company or business
    "interest_6": ["interest.n.04"], # money paid for the use of money
    "cord": ["line.n.18"],          # something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible
    "formation": ["line.n.01","line.n.03"], # a formation of people or things one beside another
    "text": ["line.n.05"],                 # text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen
    "phone": ["telephone_line.n.02"],   # a telephone connection
    "product": ["line.n.22"],       # a particular kind of product or merchandise
    "division": ["line.n.29"],      # a conceptual separation or distinction
    "SERVE12": ["serve.v.02"],       # do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function
    "SERVE10": ["serve.v.06"], # provide (usually but not necessarily food)
    "SERVE2": ["serve.v.01"],       # serve a purpose, role, or function
    "SERVE6": ["service.v.01"]      # be used by; as of a utility
于 2013-05-06T03:27:25.553 回答