我正在用 NASM 编写一个程序来计算斐波那契数列并打印出来。它接受用户输入的两个种子值和迭代次数,将它们存储在堆栈中,然后调用“fib”子例程进行计算和打印。我正在使用这里的库来执行诸如读取输入/打印之类的操作。
这是我的 asm_main:
enter 0,0 ; setup routine
mov eax, prompt1 ; access first prompt
call print_string ; print prompt
call read_int ; read input and stores in eax
push eax ; store input on stack
mov eax, prompt2 ; access second prompt
call print_string ; print prompt
call read_int ; read input and stores in eax
push eax ; store input on stack
mov eax, prompt3 ; access third prompt
call print_string ; print prompt
call read_int ; read input and stores in eax
push eax ; store input on stack
call fib ; call fib subroutine to calculate sequence
call print_nl ; end with a newline
这是 fib 子程序:
pop ecx ; retrieve number of iterations from stack
pop ebx ; retrieve second seed value from stack
pop eax ; retrieve first seed value from stack
_looper: ; section to be looped
mov edx, eax
add edx, ebx ; sum = a + b
call print_int
call print_nl
mov eax, ebx ; a = b
mov ebx, edx ; b = sum
loop _looper
但是,这种推送和弹出无法正常工作,我不知道为什么。当我输入“3”作为第一个种子值,“5”作为第二个种子值,并输入“7”作为迭代次数时,这是在 fib 中调用的寄存器转储的结果:
Register Dump # 1
EAX = 00000005 EBX = 00000007 ECX = 080484D4 EDX = BF97A1B4
ESI = 00000000 EDI = 00000000 EBP = BF97A168 ESP = BF97A144
EIP = 08048480 FLAGS = 200282 SF