我在这里看到了一些与此类似的问题,但似乎没有一个对我有帮助。我真的不在乎使用什么 API,无论是 Google、Yahoo!、The Weather Channel 还是其他任何 API。我有代码可以根据用户给出的位置获取当天的最高价和最低价,但我似乎无法获得每小时的温度或天气状况预测,这就是我的真实情况寻找。我并不真正关心风速、湿度或“感觉”温度,但如果我能弄清楚如何添加它们,我会添加它们。我正在尝试获取看起来像这里的数据。(www.weather.com/...)

我对解析 XML 很陌生,所以这也可能是我的问题的一部分。提前感谢您的帮助。我非常感激。


2 回答 2



Module Weather

Public Structure WeatherInfo_Forecast
  Dim DayOfWeek As String
  Dim low As Double
  Dim high As Double
  Dim icon As String
End Structure

Public Structure WeatherInfo_Wind
  Dim direction As String
  Dim speed As Double
  Dim unit As String
End Structure

Public Structure WeatherInfo_Typed
  Dim Failed As Boolean
  Dim errormessage As Exception
  Dim location As String
  Dim forcast_date As DateTime
  Dim checked_time_date As DateTime
  Dim humidity As Double
  Dim highf As Double
  Dim lowf As Double
  Dim highc As Double
  Dim lowc As Double
  Dim currenttempC As Double
  Dim currenttempF As Double
  Dim predicted_icon As String
  Dim current_icon As String
  Dim current_condition As String
  Dim predicted_condition As IEnumerable(Of WeatherInfo_Forecast)
  Dim wind_condition As WeatherInfo_Wind
  Dim day As String
End Structure

<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function ToC(ByVal F As Double) As Double
  Return ((F - 32) / 9) * 5
End Function

<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function TryParseAsDouble(ByVal s As String) As Double
  Dim rv As Double
  If Double.TryParse(s, rv) = False Then rv = Double.NaN
  Return rv
End Function

<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function TryParseAsDate(ByVal s As String) As DateTime
  Dim rv As DateTime
  If DateTime.TryParse(s, rv) = False Then rv = Nothing
  Return rv
End Function

Private Function ParseHumidity(ByVal s As String) As Double
  If Not s Is Nothing Then
  Dim humRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Humidity: (?<Value>\d+)\w*\%")
  Dim m = humRegEx.Match(s)
  If m.Length = 0 Then Return Double.NaN
    Return Double.Parse(m.Groups("Value").Value)
  End If
End Function

Private Function ParseWind(ByVal s As String) As WeatherInfo_Wind
  Dim rv As New WeatherInfo_Wind
  If Not s Is Nothing Then
    Dim humRegEx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Wind\:\s+(?<Direction>[NEWSnews]{1,2})\s+at\s+(?<speed>(?<value>\d+)\s(?<units>\w+)){1}")
    Dim m = humRegEx.Match(s)
    rv.speed = Double.NaN
    If m.Length = 0 Then Return rv
    With rv
     .direction = m.Groups("Direction").Value
     If Double.TryParse(m.Groups("value").Value, .speed) = False Then .speed = Double.NaN
     .unit = m.Groups("units").Value
    End With
  End If
  Return rv
End Function

Public Function Grab_Weather(ByVal Location As String) As WeatherInfo_Typed
  Dim GrabWeather As New WeatherInfo_Typed
  With GrabWeather
  .Failed = True
    Dim xml As XDocument = XDocument.Load("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=" & Location)
    Dim xp = xml.<problem_cause>
    If xp.Any Then Return GrabWeather
    .location = xml...<city>.@data
    .forcast_date = xml...<forecast_date>.@data.TryParseAsDate
    .checked_time_date = xml...<current_date_time>.@data.TryParseAsDate
    .humidity = ParseHumidity(xml...<humidity>.@data)
    .highf = xml...<high>.@data.TryParseAsDouble
    .lowf = xml...<low>.@data.TryParseAsDouble
    .highc = GrabWeather.highf.ToC
    .lowc = GrabWeather.highc.ToC
    .currenttempC = xml...<temp_c>.@data.TryParseAsDouble
    .currenttempF = xml...<temp_f>.@data.TryParseAsDouble
    '.current_icon = "http://www.google.com" & xml...<icon>.@data
    '.predicted_icon = "http://www.google.com" & xml...<high>.@data
    .current_condition = xml...<condition>.@data
    .predicted_condition = From f In xml...<forecast_conditions> _
                        Select New WeatherInfo_Forecast With { _
                          .DayOfWeek = f.<day_of_week>.Value, _
                          .high = f.<high>.@data.TryParseAsDouble, _
                          .low = f.<low>.@data.TryParseAsDouble}
    '.icon = "http://www.google.com" & f.<icon>.@data}
    .wind_condition = ParseWind(xml...<wind_condition>.@data)
    .day = xml...<day_of_week>.@data
    .Failed = False
    Return GrabWeather
  Catch ex As Exception
    .errormessage = ex
    Return GrabWeather
  End Try
  End With
End Function
End Module
于 2013-05-04T19:08:27.983 回答

I finally found what I was looking for from Weather Underground. They have three APIs, and, starting with the middle one, gives hourly forecasts for 36 hours. You get English and Metric predicted statistics for temperature, "feels like" temperature, dew point, wind speed, and wind direction. There's also wind chill and heat index, but every result for both in English and Metric was -9998, so I'm pretty sure those results are a bit off! Also there are qpf, snow, pop, and mslp. Unfortunately qpf and snow have not results and I'm not sure what pop and mslp are. All results are available in JSON and XML. They have some image requests, too, but I haven't looked into them yet.

Link Updated

于 2013-05-07T21:39:01.900 回答