我现在正在开发一个刽子手应用程序。我现在正在编程,目前正在尝试用用户输入( )替换tW
位置( )中的破折号,然后存储数组......我找不到问题,它让我发疯!请有人帮助我?pos
public static void main(String[] args) {
//get random array element
System.out.println("Welcome to the Hangman App");
String array[] = new String[10];
array[0] = "Hamlet";
array[1] = "Mysts of Avalon";
array[2] = "The Iliad";
array[3] = "Tales from Edger Allan Poe";
array[4] = "The Children of Hurin";
array[5] = "The Red Badge of Courage";
array[6] = "Of Mice and Men";
array[7] = "Utopia";
array[8] = "Chariots of the Gods";
array[9] = "A Brief History of Time";
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(array));
String s = list.get(0);
//for testing
//replace non-white space char with dashes
String tW = s.replaceAll("\\S", "-");
//get user input
System.out.println("Enter an Letter: ");
String input = sc.next();
//find position of user input and replace
int pos = s.indexOf(input);
char ch = input.charAt(pos);
char[] answer = tW.toCharArray();
//answer[pos] = input;