在您从 SELECT 中选择 ProductView 后,我有一个带有 ProductViews 列表(作为 SELECT)的检票口面板
,它通过 ProductView 的 id 从数据库中加载产品到详细信息表单中。您可以修改产品实体,完成后可以保存。
保存后我尝试刷新 SELECT 列表以更新其数据,但它不起作用(我的意思是,例如,SELECT 在重命名后包含产品的旧名称,但是当我选择相同的 ProductView 时,它会将实体重新加载到再次详细信息表格,当然新数据出现在数据库中)我不想再次重新加载产品列表,我想从内存中解决它。这是我的来源:
@Table(name = "product")
public class ProductView implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
@Column(name = "name")
private String name;
@Column(name = "category")
private Category category;
public ProductView() {
public ProductView(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public ProductView(Product product) {
this.id = product.getId();
this.name = product.getName();
this.category = product.getCategory();
// + getters & setters
@Table(name = "product")
public class Product implements Serializable {
// same as ProductView but more data, objects, connections, etc
private Product product;
private ProductView productView;
private List<ProductView> productViews;
private Form productForm;
private Select categorySelectComponent;
private WebMarkupContainer contentContainer;
public ProductPanel(String id) {
add(contentContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("contentContainer")); // container DIV
contentContainer.setOutputMarkupId(true); // refreshable
contentContainer.add(productForm = new Form("productForm")); // details FORM
contentContainer.add(categorySelectComponent = new Select("categorySelectComponent", new PropertyModel<ProductView>(this, "productView"))); // item SELECT
categorySelectComponent.add( new SelectOptions<ProductView>( // first category
new PropertyModel<List<ProductView>>(this, "oneProducts"), // see getOneProducts(); list of productviews
new IOptionRenderer<ProductView>() {
public String getDisplayValue(ProductView p) {
return p.getName();
public IModel<ProductView> getModel(ProductView p) {
return new Model<ProductView>(p);
categorySelectComponent.add( new SelectOptions<ProductView>( // second category
new PropertyModel<List<ProductView>>(this, "twoProducts"), // see getTwoProducts();
new IOptionRenderer<ProductView>() {
public String getDisplayValue(ProductView p) {
return p.getName();
public IModel<ProductView> getModel(ProductView p) {
return new Model<ProductView>(p);
categorySelectComponent.add( new SelectOptions<ProductView>( // third category
new PropertyModel<List<ProductView>>(this, "threeProducts"), // see getThreeProducts();
new IOptionRenderer<ProductView>() {
public String getDisplayValue(ProductView p) {
return p.getName();
public IModel<ProductView> getModel(ProductView p) {
return new Model<ProductView>(p);
categorySelectComponent.add(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior() { // update form after choose entity
protected void onUpdate(final AjaxRequestTarget art) {
product = getProductFacade().find( productView.getId() );
// some details component (textfields, radios, links, etc) to edit Product
productForm.add(new AjaxSubmitLink("formSubmitLink") { // save entity
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget art, Form<?> form) {
super.onSubmit(art, form); // i don't know it is necessary at all
getProductFacade().edit( product );
updateProductViewInCategoryMap(art); // important method
//art.add(contentContainer); //it is in update method
private Map<Category, List<ProductView>> categoryMap; // all product by categories
public void initCategoryMap() {
categoryMap = new EnumMap<Category, List<ProductView>>(ProductView.class);
categoryMap.put( Category.ONE, new ArrayList<ProductView>() );
categoryMap.put( Category.TWO, new ArrayList<ProductView>() );
categoryMap.put( Category.THREE, new ArrayList<ProductView>() );
for (ProductView view : getProductViews()) {
//***** Get Products By Categories *******
final public List<ProductView> getOneProducts(){
if (categoryMap == null){
return categoryMap.get( Category.ONE );
final public List<ProductView> getTwoCategory(){
if (categoryMap == null){
return categoryMap.get( Category.TWO );
final public List<ProductView> getThreeProducts(){
if (categoryMap == null){
return categoryMap.get( Category.THREE );
// **************************************
public List<ProductView> getProductViews() { // Get All Product
if (productViews == null) {
productViews = getProductFacade().findAllProductAsView();
return productViews;
private void updatePanel(AjaxRequestTarget art) { // refresh panel
private void updateProductViewInCategoryMap(AjaxRequestTarget art) { // change Product in map after save (call from onSubmit method of AjaxSubmitLink)
for(Map.Entry<Category, List<ProductView>> entry : categoryMap.entrySet()){ // search category contains entity
if (entry.getValue().contains( productView )){
entry.getValue().remove( productView ); // remove entity from category
productView = new ProductView( product ); // new productview by modified product
categoryMap.get( productView.getCategory() ).add( productView ); // add entity to it's category's list
<select class="categorySelect" wicket:id="categorySelectComponent">
<optgroup label="Category One">
<wicket:container wicket:id="oneCategory">
<option wicket:id="option"></option>
<optgroup label="Category Two">
<wicket:container wicket:id="twoCategory">
<option wicket:id="option"></option>
<optgroup label="Category Three">
<wicket:container wicket:id="threeCategory">
<option wicket:id="option"></option>