




       public String save() throws Exception{
            booking = preSave(booking);
            booking = doSave(booking);
            booking = postSave(booking);
            return SUCCESS;


        private Booking doSave(Booking booking) throws Exception{
            logger.debug("save booking start,will delete to be deleted/update/save record in DB");
            //Step 1:Get booking DAO from spring context
            BookingDAO dao  = (BookingDAO) DAOFactory.getDAO("Booking");
            //Step 2:Get the to be deleted object from booking tree,as usual,the to be deleted object is marked in UI
            List toBeDeleted = BookingUtil.handleDeletedObj(booking);
             logger.debug("The to be deleted object is ["+toBeDeleted+"]");
             //Step 3:If to be deleted object is not empty,invoke booking DAO's delete function to delete them
             if(toBeDeleted!=null && toBeDeleted.size()>0){
             //Step 4:Invoke booking DAO's save function to save/update obj
            booking = (Booking) dao.save(booking);
            return booking;

DAO 中的删除功能

public Object delete(Object object) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    logger.debug("delete to be deleted object ["+object+"]");
    if(object == null){
        logger.error("there is no to be deleted object found");
        return null;
    Session session = sf.openSession();
    if(object instanceof  List){
        List list = (List) object;
        for(Object obj:list){
        return list;
    return object;




public Object save(Object object) {
    logger.debug("save() start,save booking["+object+"] to DB");
    Booking booking = (Booking)object;
    String bookingNo = null;
    //Step 1:Check if booking no is empty,if empty,generate booking no by customer first
    if(booking.getBookingNo() == null || booking.getBookingNo().trim().isEmpty()){
        logger.debug("save(),find booking no is empty,will generate booking no first");
            bookingNo = (String) generateBookingNo(booking.getCustomer());
            //Set generated booking no to booking
     //Step 2:Set part's FK bookingNo
    List <Part>parts = booking.getParts();
        for(Part part:parts){
            if(part.getBookingNo() == null || part.getBookingNo().isEmpty()){
    //Step 3:Set todoitem's FK
    List<ToDoItem>toDoItems = booking.getToDoItems();
        for(ToDoItem toDoItem:toDoItems){
            if(toDoItem.getBookingNo() == null  || toDoItem.getBookingNo().isEmpty()){

    //Step 4:Save/update booking
    Session session = sf.getCurrentSession();
    return booking;


17:37:36,143 DEBUG BookingDAO:122 - delete to be deleted object [[com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part@712e3058, com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part@f681b75, com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part@7be2a639]]
17:37:36,144 DEBUG SessionImpl:220 - opened session at timestamp: 13676602561
17:37:36,147 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:65 - entity was not persistent in delete processing
17:37:36,149 DEBUG VersionValue:44 - version unsaved-value strategy UNDEFINED
17:37:36,150 DEBUG IdentifierValue:104 - id unsaved-value: null
17:37:36,153 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:180 - deleting [com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part#2]
17:37:36,154 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,155 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,160 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,162 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,162 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:65 - entity was not persistent in delete processing
17:37:36,163 DEBUG VersionValue:44 - version unsaved-value strategy UNDEFINED
17:37:36,163 DEBUG IdentifierValue:104 - id unsaved-value: null
17:37:36,164 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:180 - deleting [com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part#3]
17:37:36,165 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,165 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,166 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,166 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,167 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:65 - entity was not persistent in delete processing
17:37:36,168 DEBUG VersionValue:44 - version unsaved-value strategy UNDEFINED
17:37:36,168 DEBUG IdentifierValue:104 - id unsaved-value: null
17:37:36,169 DEBUG DefaultDeleteEventListener:180 - deleting [com.chailie.booking.model.booking.Part#4]
17:37:36,170 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,171 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,171 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: GET
17:37:36,172 DEBUG SessionImpl:1308 - setting cache mode to: NORMAL
17:37:36,173 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:103 - commit
17:37:36,174 DEBUG SessionImpl:337 - automatically flushing session
17:37:36,174 DEBUG JDBCContext:201 - before transaction completion
17:37:36,175 DEBUG SessionImpl:393 - before transaction completion
17:37:36,176 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:193 - re-enabling autocommit
17:37:36,177 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:116 - committed JDBC Connection
17:37:36,178 DEBUG JDBCContext:215 - after transaction completion
17:37:36,178 DEBUG ConnectionManager:296 - transaction completed on session with on_close connection release mode; be sure to close the session to release JDBC resources!
17:37:36,179 DEBUG SessionImpl:422 - after transaction completion
17:37:36,179 DEBUG SessionImpl:353 - automatically closing session
17:37:36,180 DEBUG SessionImpl:273 - closing session
17:37:36,180 DEBUG ConnectionManager:374 - performing cleanup
17:37:36,181 DEBUG ConnectionManager:435 - releasing JDBC connection [ (open PreparedStatements: 0, globally: 0) (open ResultSets: 0, globally: 0)]
17:37:36,182 DEBUG JDBCContext:215 - after transaction completion
17:37:36,182 DEBUG ConnectionManager:296 - transaction completed on session with on_close connection release mode; be sure to close the session to release JDBC resources!
17:37:36,183 DEBUG SessionImpl:422 - after transaction completion
17:37:36,184 DEBUG SessionImpl:273 - closing session




bean id="sessionFactory"
        <property name="dataSource">
            <ref bean="dataSource1" />
        <property name="hibernateProperties">

                <prop key="hibernate.dialect">
                <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
                 <prop key="hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion">true</prop>
                  <prop key="hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session">true</prop>
                   <prop key="hibernate.connection.release_mode">auto</prop>
                   <prop key="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</prop>
                   <prop key="format_sql">true</prop>
         <property name="packagesToScan">

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