
嗨,我正在创建一个从数据库加载数据的数据网格,我什至创建了一个搜索框,当用户向其中输入值时会提示搜索查询,但现在我想将我的搜索查询显示到同一个 iframe 中加载数据表文件,当搜索框为空时,它应该显示数据表,如果用户输入查询,它应该将查询加载到其中这是我的脚本

                                     <div style="float: right; border: 1px; padding-right: 20px;">
                                          <div class="search">
                                               <input type="text" name="s" maxlength="64"  placeholder="Search" id="inputString" onkeyup="lookup(this.value);"  />
                                               <img src="images/srch.png"  id="srch_btn"/> 
                                <table border="0" width="100%" class="myclass"  height="30px">
                                        <td width="80px"  align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Sr No.</font></td>
                                        <td width="80px"  align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Br No.</font></td>
                                        <td width="180px" align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Name</font></td>
                                        <td width="200px" align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Address</font></td>
                                        <td width="120px" align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">City</font></td>
                                        <td width="80px"  align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Pin</font></td>
                                        <td width="80px"  align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Mobile</font></td>
                                        <td width="120px"  align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Email</font></td>
                                        <td width="80px" class="myclass" align="center"><font color="black" size="3px">Actions</font></td>
                                 <div id="suggestions">/****file that shows the search queries**/
                                     <iframe src="record.php" width="1150" height="900" frameBorder="0"></iframe> /** File that loads the data table**/


$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'mdb');

    if(!$db) {
        // Show error if we cannot connect.
        echo 'ERROR: Could not connect to the database.';
    } else {
        // Is there a posted query string?
        if(isset($_POST['queryString'])) {
            $queryString = $db->real_escape_string($_POST['queryString']);

            if(strlen($queryString) >0) {
                $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM mdb  WHERE (`name` LIKE '%" . $queryString . "%') OR (grno LIKE '%". $queryString ."%')
                                                    OR (`address` LIKE '%". $queryString ."%') OR (`city` LIKE '%". $queryString ."%') OR (pin LIKE '%". $queryString ."%')
                                                    OR (mobile LIKE '%". $queryString ."%') OR (`email` LIKE'%". $queryString ."%')  ORDER BY vouchno LIMIT 8");

                if($query) {
                    echo "<table width='100%'>";
                                        echo "<tr>";
                                        echo "<th align=left>Name</th>";
                                        echo "<th align=left>Address</th>";
                                        echo "<th align=left>City</th>";
                                        echo "<th align=left>Pin</th>";
                                        echo "<th align=right>Mobile</th>";
                                        echo "<th align=left>Email</th>";
                                        echo "</tr>";
                    while ($result = $query ->fetch_object()) {
                                        echo "<tr>";
                                        echo "<td><span class=\"category\">$result->name</span></td>";
                                        echo "<td>$result->address</td>";
                                        echo "<td>$result->city</td>";
                                        echo "<td>$result->pin</td>";
                                        echo "<td align=right>$result->mobile</td>";
                                        echo "<td>$result->email</td>";
                        echo "</tr>";
                                        echo "<tr>";
                                        echo "<td colspan=9>";
                                        echo "<hr/>";
                                        echo "</td>";
                                        echo "<tr>";

                                        $name = $result->name;
                        if(strlen($name) > 35) { 
                            $name = substr($name, 0, 35) . "...";

                        $description = $result->address;
                        if(strlen($description) > 80) { 
                            $description = substr($description, 0, 80) . "...";

                                echo "</table>";
                    echo '<span class="seperator"><strong>No Further Records Found</strong> </span><br class="break" />';
                } else {
                    echo 'ERROR: There was a problem with the query.';
            } else {
                            echo "record.php";
        } else {
            echo 'There should be no direct access to this script!';

1 回答 1


我认为现在 AJAX 可以帮助你。为什么你不做这样的事情而不是 iframe?


并在 CSS 中滚动 div




于 2013-05-09T14:30:25.237 回答