
I have a page made up of 4 photographs with text underneath them that are the links for navigating the site. Everything works, except that the active area for the link extends the entire length of the page once it begins. I can move the mouse well under the pictures and text and it still activates the hover.

The site can be found here. I can add the code here if need be, just thought being able to see the whole thing might help!

Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer!


4 回答 4


我尝试在它上面做一些 Firebug 工作,但 Firebug 有点——好吧,马车,最近在我身上。

尝试删除height:240px,或尝试删除padding-top. 似乎其中一个导致了这个问题,因为它破坏了 CSS 盒子模型,并让它认为链接那么大。


于 2013-05-04T07:20:50.040 回答

删除此行height: 420px;来自 .photography、.cinematography、.contact 和 .about。我已经测试过了,它在 Firefox 和 chrome 上运行良好。

于 2013-05-04T07:22:06.337 回答

只需删除height: 420px;from.photography和其他。

于 2013-05-04T07:17:38.793 回答

保留height: 420px;,删除padding-top并添加它line-height:850px,它会修复它

于 2013-05-04T07:27:47.160 回答