looking in the the web for answers, I am sort of confused id UUID's are unique to a service within the device. I want to know if an application on a particular device can generate a UUID during installation which will be same in all the other devices where the app is installed?

so that a search can be performed using UUID to find how many devices are using this particular application using bluetooth. or is there any other way to do that using UUID.( like fetchUuidsWithSdp ())

I am new to Android programming. so be kind if I am being Naive..


1 回答 1


UUID 以随机数或其他算法生成,旨在保证不会生成两次 UUID。

如果您希望应用程序的多个实例使用相同的 UUID,则必须提前生成它并将其包含在您的应用程序中。

您没有理由不能这样做,并且在网络上搜索“UUID 生成器”会出现几个站点,这些站点将为您提供一个。

于 2013-05-04T21:50:30.907 回答