In some places where a class hierarchy is present and the top most base class is an abstract class there is a static getInstance() method in the abstract class. This will be responsible for creating the correct sub-class and returning it to the caller. For example consider the below code.

public class abstract Product {

   public static Product getInstance(String aCode) {
       if ("a".equals(aCode) {
          return new ProductA();
       return ProductDefault();
   // product behaviour methods

public class ProductA extends Product {}

public class ProductDefault extends Product {}

In Java, java.util.Calendar.getInstance() is one place this pattern has been followed. However this means each time a new subclass is introduced one has to modify the base class. i.e: Product class has to be modified in the above example. This seems to violate the ocp principle. Also the base class is aware about the sub class details which is again questionable.

My question is...

  1. is the above pattern an anti-pattern ?
  2. what are the draw-backs of using the above pattern ?
  3. what alternatives can be followed instead ?

4 回答 4



  • Java 类库使用 SPI 和代码来做这种事情,这些代码反射性地寻找要动态加载的“提供者”类。

  • 一种更简单的方法是拥有一个“注册表”对象,并使用依赖注入或工厂对象类中的静态初始化程序或从属性文件读取类名的启动方法等来填充它。

于 2013-05-04T06:20:29.643 回答





于 2013-05-04T07:41:12.857 回答

No it's not. It's more like factory method pattern http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern. E.g. Calendar.getInstance();. JDK is full of such examples. Also reminds of Effective Java Item 1: Consider static factory methods instead of constructors

于 2013-05-04T05:54:41.840 回答

根据反馈,我引入了一个新的 ProductFactory 类,该类负责创建正确的产品。在我的情况下,正确产品实例的创建取决于外部上下文(为了简单起见,我放置了产品代码......在实际情况下,它可能基于几个参数......这些可能会随着时间而改变)。因此,由于问题中概述的原因,拥有 Product.getInstance() 方法并不适合。未来也有不同的 ProductFactory 意味着.. 如果需要,产品类可以成为接口。它只是提供了更多的可扩展性。

我认为当对象的创建不依赖于外部上下文时......就像在 Calendar.getInstance() 的情况下,拥有这样的方法是完全可以的。在这些情况下,找到正确实例的逻辑是该特定模块/类的内部逻辑,不依赖于任何外部提供的信息。

于 2013-05-11T07:51:03.703 回答