I am using ISAPI rewrite to rewrite a news feed to our web site. The problem I have is that the rewrite rule does not account for optional parameters that may be passed for google tracking.

A typical link is a follows:


The rewrite rule that covers this is:

Rewriterule ^/motorcycle_news/categories/(.*?)/news_(\d+)_(.*)\.html$ /newsItem.asp?cat=$1&cpID=$2&page=$3 [NC]

Obviously the issue lies in the use of the $ after the .html part of the rewrite rule. The question is how can I change this so that a combination of possible google parameters can be added to the url without causing the link to break on the server?

parameters like:


Any clues are greatly welcomed and appreciated.


1 回答 1



RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(utm_source=.*&utm_medium=.*)?$ [NC]
Rewriterule ^/motorcycle_news/categories/([^/]+)/news_(\d+)_(.*)\.html$ /newsItem.asp?cat=$1&cpID=$2&page=$3 [NC]
于 2013-05-05T07:05:39.360 回答