好吧,我正在使用 PHP MAIL 函数,出于某种原因,它发送的每封电子邮件都有一个奇怪的;
$from = 'From: support@phycraft.co.uk';
$to = $user_email; // Send email to our user
$subject = 'PhyCraft Support Ticket :: Closed :: ' . $t_subject; // Give the email a subject
$message = '
Hello '. $username.'.
Your support ticket '.$t_subject.' has been closed due to being inactive for 48 hours.
If you still need help with the ticket please reopen the ticket by replying to it.
$headers = 'From:support@phycraft.co.uk' . "\r\n"; // Set from headers
mail($to, $subject, $message, $from); // Send our email