Git 状态仍然显示这些文件......当我将文件推送到远程 github 存储库时......并非所有文件都被推送。可能是因为它们在 .gitignore 文件中,现在我无法推送它们。
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
# modified: vendor/gedmo/doctrine-extensions (modified content)
# modified: vendor/gregwar/image-bundle/Gregwar/ImageBundle (modified content)
# modified: vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic (modified content)
# modified: vendor/liip/imagine-bundle/Liip/ImagineBundle (modified content)
# modified: vendor/lunetics/locale-bundle/Lunetics/LocaleBundle (modified content)
# modified: vendor/stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle/Stof/DoctrineExtensionsBundle (modified content)
# modified: vendor/twig/extensions (modified content)
# modified: vendor/vich/uploader-bundle/Vich/UploaderBundle (modified content)
是的,我试过 git add 。和 git commit -m "bla bla"