In my OS X application, I allow the user to open a Finder window. I would like to use the Finder's icon on my "open Finder" button. My application will be going to the App Store, but I would rather preempt any violation of Apple's policy on using their icons.

So, would such reuse be allowed by Apple? And, could anybody provide a corresponding reference to Apple's documentation? (I thought I had read it was not allowed, but I cannot find it now.)

UPDATE: To handle cases were the application of interest is not running, I used superfell's answer of a previous question, 12166532, as follows:

// Return an application's icon using its bundle identifier
- (NSImage *) applicationIconWithBundleIdentifier: (NSString *) bundleIdentifier
    NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameComputer]; // fallback icon

    NSString *path = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier:bundleIdentifier];
    if (path) {
        image = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:path];

    return image;

But, I am very grateful to Rob's answers below for putting me on the right track.


4 回答 4


从某种意义上说,这可能没问题,因为 Apple 不太可能会针对您进行此类使用。从某种意义上说,这也可能很好,因为应用程序专门为其他程序(如 Finder)提供图标以显示以用于操作应用程序。您是否被起诉实际上取决于 Apple 的法律部门,而您是否会获胜则取决于您所在国家/地区的版权法(以及该法律的合理使用例外情况)。您可以要求 Apple 明确许可;详细信息在他们的网站上

无论如何,如果您未通过 App Store 审核,请更改图标。没什么大不了。


NSImage *imageForAppWithBundleIdentifier(NSString *bundleIdentifier) {
    NSWorkspace *workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
    NSString *appPath = [workspace absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier:bundleIdentifier];
    return [workspace iconForFile:appPath];

Finder 的包标识符是com.apple.finder. 终端的捆绑标识符是com.apple.Terminal.

$ osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to get id'
$ osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" to get id'
于 2013-05-03T21:49:47.983 回答


Apple 标志和 Apple 拥有的图形符号:您不得将 Apple 标志或任何其他 Apple 拥有的图形符号、标志或图标用于网站、产品、包装、手册、促销/广告材料或用于任何其他目的,除非根据 Apple 的明确书面商标许可,例如经销商协议。


于 2013-05-04T17:55:52.763 回答


我不知道 Finder 图标。我们在工具栏菜单上使用了类似于上面图标的东西。他们通过以下方式拒绝了软件更新。



该应用程序在主应用程序窗口中使用主页图标的方式与 Apple 的商标指南不一致。

根据我们的记录,那是 2011 年 9 月下旬。

于 2013-05-03T23:04:43.490 回答

This might not help very much, but considering they have licensing and trademark documents, I would assume that if you could use what you want to market your product, there should be no issue with placing it within your application. I'll see if I can find a more definitive document.

Also found this from a Cocoabuilder forum.

于 2013-05-03T21:38:57.343 回答