我们正在更改 5 个网络共享站点上的 URL,以便它们仅响应 HTTPS 和 FQDN 请求。我们的许多用户在他们的收藏夹中有“内部”链接,当我们更改 URL 时这些链接会中断。

我需要一种方法来打开每个“收藏夹”并查看是否有任何链接指向旧 URL,然后将其更改为新 URL。


    # Set folder variable
    $folder = $env:HOMEPATH + '\' + 'favorites'                                             #'

    # Backup the folder
    Copy-Item $folder $env:homepath\favorites1 -recurse

    # set the stringtofind variables
    $stringToFind1 = "http://wss1/"
$stringToFind2 = "http://iwds/"
$stringToFind3 = "http://webshare/"
$stringToFind4 = "http://mysites/"
$stringToFind5 = "http://eforms/"

    # Set the stringtoplace variables
$stringToPlace1 = "https://wss1.FQDN.com"
$stringToPlace2 = "https://iwds.FQDN.com"
$stringToPlace3 = "https://webshare.FQDN.com"
$stringToPlace4 = "https://mysites.FQDN.com"
$stringToPlace5 = "https://eforms.FQDN.com"

    # Execute the content changes
gci $folder\*.url -recurse | foreach-object { (Get-Content $_) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $stringToFind1, $stringToPlace1 } | Set-Content $_ }
gci $folder\*.url -recurse | foreach-object { (Get-Content $_) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $stringToFind2, $stringToPlace2 } | Set-Content $_ }
gci $folder\*.url -recurse | foreach-object { (Get-Content $_) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $stringToFind3, $stringToPlace3 } | Set-Content $_ }
gci $folder\*.url -recurse | foreach-object { (Get-Content $_) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $stringToFind4, $stringToPlace4 } | Set-Content $_ }
gci $folder\*.url -recurse | foreach-object { (Get-Content $_) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $stringToFind5, $stringToPlace5 } | Set-Content $_ }

4 回答 4


您可以使用 COM 来操作快捷方式文件。使用CreateShortcut方法读取快捷方式文件:Shell

$shell = New-Object -ComObject 'WScript.Shell';
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($shortcutPath);


$oldTargetPath = $shortcut.TargetPath;
Write-Host "Shortcut currently points to $oldTargetPath";
$shortcut.TargetPath = $newTargetPath;
于 2013-05-03T20:26:51.107 回答


$favourites_path = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Favorites') 
Copy-Item $favourites_path "$favourites_path`1" -Recurse
$favourites = Get-ChildItem $favourites_path -Recurse -Filter *.url
foreach ($favourite in $favourites) {

$shortcut = (New-Object -ComObject 'WScript.Shell').CreateShortCut($favourite.FullName)
$newpath=switch -Wildcard ($shortcut.TargetPath)
    'http://wss1/*'           { $_ -replace 'http://wss1', 'https://wss1.vmc.com'}
    'http://iwds/*'           { $_ -replace 'http://iwds', 'https://iwds.vmc.com'}
    'http://webshare/*'       { $_ -replace 'http://webshare', 'https://webshare.vmc.com'}
    'http://mysites/*'        { $_ -replace 'http://mysites', 'https://mysites.vmc.com'}
    'http://eforms/*'         { $_ -replace 'http://eforms', 'https://eforms.vmc.com'}
    default                   { $_ }

于 2013-05-08T15:32:50.797 回答


但是,这里是如何使用你的方法,使用 Powershell 来做到这一点。下面的代码使用正则表达式来完成这项工作。它应该满足您的要求。

$favourites_path = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Favorites') 

Copy-Item $favourites_path "$favourites_path`1" -Recurse -Force

$favourites = Get-ChildItem($favourites_path) -Recurse -Filter *.url

$reg_path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\'

$start_page = (Get-Itemproperty -Path $reg_path).'Start Page'

foreach ($favourite in $favourites) {

    $shortcut = (New-Object -ComObject 'WScript.Shell').CreateShortCut($favourite.FullName)

    $new_path = switch -Regex ($shortcut.TargetPath) {

        ('http://wss1/(.*)') { "https://wss1.FQDN.com/$($Matches[1])"; break }
        ('http://iwds/(.*)') { "https://iwds.FQDN.com/$($Matches[1])"; break }
        ('http://webshare/(.*)') { "https://webshare.FQDN.com/$($Matches[1])"; break }
        ('http://mysites/(.*)') { "https://mysites.FQDN.com/$($Matches[1])"; break }
        ('http://eforms/(.*)') { "https://eforms.FQDN.com/$($Matches[1])"; break }
        default { $_ }

    $shortcut.TargetPath = $new_path

    # Set homepage
    if ($shortcut.TargetPath -eq $start_page) { Set-ItemProperty -Path $reg_path -Name 'Start Page' -Value $new_path }



于 2013-05-05T19:05:14.497 回答

第一个脚本的问题在于 Set-Content Cmdlet 需要 -Path。这是我写的一个有效的脚本。您可以根据需要进行调整。它相当冗长,但嘿,我正在学习。我调用了脚本 FindURLs.ps1 注意:第一个版本更改了内容,但没有更改 URL argh..

param (
    [string]$string = "//hpenterprise",
    [string]$stringtoreplace = "//hpe",
    [string]$Path = "*.url",
    [switch]$Recurse = $false,
    [switch]$update = $false,
    [switch]$help = $false
$myargs = @{
  Path = $Path
  Recurse = $Recurse
#echo "$string $stringtoreplace $Path $Recurse $update"
#echo $myargs
if ($help) { 
    echo "
FindURLs Finds and Optionally Replaces URLs by default
string = $string   The string to find.
stringtoreplace = $stringtoreplace   The string to replace the found string
Path = $Path       Path to the urls
Recurse = $Recurse  Recurse option.  i.e. start in this directory and all recursively find URLs in sub-directories
Update = $update    Update the string.  This option must be used to actually update the URLs.

FindURLs.ps1                  will start in the current directory and check the URLs for $string and show what the new string will look like.
FindURLs.ps1 -Recurse         will find the strings and show new strings recursively.
FindURLs.ps1 -Recurse -Update will find the strings and update them recursively.

You can also override string, stringtoreplace and path.
For example -Path <new_path> -string //hpebrokenlinks -stringtoreplace //hpenewlinks
You may need to use quotes around <new_path> if the path contains any spaces.
Note: PowerShell is Case Insensitive unlike other shells.

Get-Childitem @myargs | ForEach-Object {
    $urlpath = $_.FullName
    echo "Examining  $urlpath"
    $shortcut = (New-Object -ComObject 'WScript.Shell').CreateShortCut($urlpath)
    if ($shortcut.TargetPath -Match $string) { 
        echo ("Changing   " + $shortcut.TargetPath)
        $shortcut.TargetPath = ForEach-Object { $shortcut.TargetPath -replace $string, $stringtoreplace }
        echo ("To         " + $shortcut.TargetPath)
        if ($update) { 
            #Set-Content -Path "$path" "$new_content" Does not Work!  Even though the code says it works.  Content changes but the link is the same?
            #Had to change to the shortcut method.

            echo ("Updated To " + $shortcut.TargetPath)
        } else { 
            echo "-Update Option not set.  Test Only No Change to URL" 
    }   else { 
        echo ("No Change  " + $shortcut.TargetPath)
    echo ""
于 2017-02-17T20:56:35.223 回答