我有一个程序需要满足这些规范: • 销售人员将继续获得每年 50,000.00 美元的固定工资。每个销售人员的当前销售目标是每年 120,000.00 美元。• 销售激励只有在销售目标达到80% 时才会开始。目前的佣金是总销售额的 7.5%。• 如果销售人员超过销售目标,佣金将根据加速因素增加。加速因子为 1.25。• 应用程序应要求用户输入年度销售额,并应显示年度总薪酬。• 应用程序还应显示销售人员本可以赚取的潜在年度总薪酬表,以销售人员年销售额以上 5000 美元为增量,

• The application will now compare the total annual compensation of at least two salespersons.
• It will calculate the additional amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or exceed the higher of the two earners.
• The application should ask for the name of each salesperson being compared. 
• The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application’s controlling class.
• The source code must demonstrate the use of conditional and looping structures.
• The source code must demonstrate the use of Array or ArrayList.


我能够用 while 循环构造表。我现在的问题是数组或 ArrayList。我用 Salesperson 类构造了一个 ArrayList,但它没有输出 getName。我究竟做错了什么?以下是我的代码。

 * Program: Salesperson.java
 * Written by: Amy Morin
 * This program will calculate total annual compensation for a salesperson.
 * Business requirements include:
 * Fixed salary = $50,000, sales target = $120,000,
 * sales incentive at 80% of sales,
 * Commission 7.5% of sales, if sales target is exceeded 1.25% increased 
 * accelorated factor.
 * This program will also be the foundation to
 * compare two or more salespersons.

public class Salesperson
    //Declares and initalizes fixed salary.
    private final double Fix_Sal = 50000;
    //Declares and initalizes commission.
    private final double Comm = 7.5;
    //Declares and initalizes acceleration factor.
    private final double Accel_Factor = 1.25;
    //Declares and initializes sales target.
    double target = 120000;         
    //Declares and initializes sales incentive threshold.
    double thresh = .80;

    String spName;    //holds the salesperson's name
    double annSales;   // Holds value for annual sales
    double commRate;  //holds calculated commission rate.  
    double commEarned;  //holds calculated commission earned.   
    double totalAnnComp; //Holds calculated total annual commission

    //Default Constructor
    public Salesperson()
        spName = "Unknown";
        annSales = 0.0;

    ////parameterized constructor
    public Salesperson(String name, double sales)
        spName = name;
        annSales = sales;

    //The setName method will set the name of salesperson
    public void setName(String name)
        name = spName;

    //The getName method will ruturn the name of salesperson
    public String getName()
        return spName;

    //The setSales method will set the annual sales
    public void setSales(double sales)
        annSales = sales;

    //The getSales method returns the value stored in annualSales
    public double getSales()
        return annSales;

    //The getComm method will calculate and return commission earned
    public double getComm()
    //Check if sale are greater than or equal to 80% of target. 
    if (annSales >= (target * thresh))
            if (annSales > target) //Checks if annual sales exceed target.
            //Gets commission rate.
                commRate = (Comm * Accel_Factor)/100;
        commEarned = commRate * annSales;
        commRate = Comm/100;
        commEarned = commRate * annSales;
        commRate = 0;
        commEarned = 0;
    return commEarned;

     * The getAnnComp method will calculate and return the total 
     * annual compensation.
    public double getAnnComp ()
    totalAnnComp = Fix_Sal + commEarned;
    return totalAnnComp;

 * Program: SalespersonComparison
 * Written by: Amy Morin
 * This program will compare the total annual compensation 
 * of at least two salespersons. It will also calculate the additional 
 * amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or 
 * exceed the higher of the two earners.

import java.util.ArrayList; //Needed for ArrayList
import java.util.Scanner;  //Needed for Scanner class
import java.text.DecimalFormat; //Needed for Decimal formatting

public class SalespersonComparison
   public static void main(String[] args)
       final double Fix_Sal = 50000; //Declares and initiates fixed salary
       double sales; // hold annual sales

       //Create new ArrayList
       ArrayList<Salesperson> cArray = new ArrayList<>();

        // Create a Scanner object to read input.
       Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

       //Lets user know how to end loop
       System.out.println("Press \'Enter\' to continue or type \'done\'"
               + " when finished.");

       //blank line

       //Loop for setting name and annual sales of salesperson
           //Create an Salesperson object
           Salesperson sPerson = new Salesperson();

           //Set salesperson's name
           System.out.println("Enter salesperson name");
           String name = keyboard.nextLine();

           //End while loop
           if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Done"))

           //Set annual sales for salesperson
           System.out.println("Enter annual sales for salesperson");
           sales = keyboard.nextDouble();

           //To add Salesperson object to ArrayList

           //Consume line
       while (true);

       //Display ArrayList

       DecimalFormat arrayL = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
       for (int index = 0; index < cArray.size(); index++)
           Salesperson sPerson = (Salesperson)cArray.get(index);
           System.out.print("Salesperson " + (index + 1) +
                            "\n Name: " + sPerson.getName() +
                            "\n Sales: " + (arrayL.format(sPerson.getSales())) +
                            "\n Commission Earned: " + 
                            (arrayL.format(sPerson.getComm())) +
                            "\n Total Annual Compensation: " 
                            + (arrayL.format(sPerson.getAnnComp())) + "\n\n");


Press 'Enter' to continue or type 'done' when finished.

Enter salesperson name
Enter annual sales for salesperson
Enter salesperson name
Enter annual sales for salesperson
Enter salesperson name

Salesperson 1
 Name: Unknown
 Sales: 100,000.00
 Commission Earned: 7,500.00
 Total Annual Compensation: 57,500.00

Salesperson 2
 Name: Unknown
 Sales: 80,000.00
 Commission Earned: 0.00
 Total Annual Compensation: 50,000.00

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 20 seconds)



2 回答 2



//The setName method will set the name of salesperson
public void setName(String name)
    name = spName;


//The setName method will set the name of salesperson
public void setName(String name)
    spName = name;
于 2013-05-03T19:48:12.557 回答

问题出在您的 setter 方法中:

public void setName(String name) {
    name = spName;


public void setName(String name) {
    this.spName = name;

为避免此类问题,请记住this在 getter 中使用关键字并将参数分配给属性。

于 2013-05-03T19:48:21.737 回答