那个代码有点老了。这是一个更新的,可能是改进的版本。应该还有一些不好的地方。例如,我认为应该将其更改为使用 theMatrixBase
. 这可能让它优化并更好地决定何时需要分配存储空间。这也使用了internal
可能不受欢迎的命名空间,但似乎有必要使用 Eigen NullaryExpr
关键字的用法。这是必要的,因为 Eigen 认为const
. 依赖boost也有点烦人。似乎在 C++11 中,必要的功能已成为标准。在类代码下方,有一个简短的使用示例。
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
We need a functor that can pretend it's const,
but to be a good random number generator
it needs mutable state. The standard Eigen function
Random() just calls rand(), which changes a global
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<typename Scalar>
struct scalar_normal_dist_op
static boost::mt19937 rng; // The uniform pseudo-random algorithm
mutable boost::normal_distribution<Scalar> norm; // The gaussian combinator
template<typename Index>
inline const Scalar operator() (Index, Index = 0) const { return norm(rng); }
template<typename Scalar>
boost::mt19937 scalar_normal_dist_op<Scalar>::rng;
template<typename Scalar>
struct functor_traits<scalar_normal_dist_op<Scalar> >
{ enum { Cost = 50 * NumTraits<Scalar>::MulCost, PacketAccess = false, IsRepeatable = false }; };
} // end namespace internal
Find the eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix
and then store it for sampling from a multi-variate normal
template<typename Scalar, int Size>
class EigenMultivariateNormal
Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size> _covar;
Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size> _transform;
Matrix< Scalar, Size, 1> _mean;
internal::scalar_normal_dist_op<Scalar> randN; // Gaussian functor
EigenMultivariateNormal(const Matrix<Scalar,Size,1>& mean,const Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size>& covar)
void setMean(const Matrix<Scalar,Size,1>& mean) { _mean = mean; }
void setCovar(const Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size>& covar)
_covar = covar;
// Assuming that we'll be using this repeatedly,
// compute the transformation matrix that will
// be applied to unit-variance independent normals
Eigen::LDLT<Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size> > cholSolver(_covar);
// We can only use the cholesky decomposition if
// the covariance matrix is symmetric, pos-definite.
// But a covariance matrix might be pos-semi-definite.
// In that case, we'll go to an EigenSolver
if (cholSolver.info()==Eigen::Success) {
// Use cholesky solver
_transform = cholSolver.matrixL();
} else {*/
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix<Scalar,Size,Size> > eigenSolver(_covar);
_transform = eigenSolver.eigenvectors()*eigenSolver.eigenvalues().cwiseMax(0).cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal();
/// Draw nn samples from the gaussian and return them
/// as columns in a Size by nn matrix
Matrix<Scalar,Size,-1> samples(int nn)
return (_transform * Matrix<Scalar,Size,-1>::NullaryExpr(Size,nn,randN)).colwise() + _mean;
}; // end class EigenMultivariateNormal
} // end namespace Eigen
#include <fstream>
#include "eigenmultivariatenormal.hpp"
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI REAL(3.1415926535897932384626433832795029)
Take a pair of un-correlated variances.
Create a covariance matrix by correlating
them, sandwiching them in a rotation matrix.
Eigen::Matrix2d genCovar(double v0,double v1,double theta)
Eigen::Matrix2d rot = Eigen::Rotation2Dd(theta).matrix();
return rot*Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double,2,2>(v0,v1)*rot.transpose();
void main()
Eigen::Vector2d mean;
Eigen::Matrix2d covar;
mean << -1,0.5; // Set the mean
// Create a covariance matrix
// Much wider than it is tall
// and rotated clockwise by a bit
covar = genCovar(3,0.1,M_PI/5.0);
// Create a bivariate gaussian distribution of doubles.
// with our chosen mean and covariance
Eigen::EigenMultivariateNormal<double,2> normX(mean,covar);
std::ofstream file("samples.txt");
// Generate some samples and write them out to file
// for plotting
file << normX.samples(1000).transpose() << std::endl;

可能比 Cholesky 分解慢很多,但它是稳定的,即使协方差矩阵是奇异的。如果您知道您的协方差矩阵将始终是满的,那么您可以改用它。但是,如果您很少创建分布并经常从中采样,那么这可能没什么大不了的。