
假设我有一张存放动物的桌子。字段之一是AnimalType(即Bird/Fish/Cat/Dog)。我希望每个 AnimalType 都是一个单独的分区,因为 99% 的查询只与一个 AnimalType 相关,并且表中的 AnimalType 数量大致相等(即 1000 条鱼、1000 只鸟、1000 条狗),所以这意味着分区应该很好并且均匀分布。但是,动物类型很多,我不想去手动为每个AnimalType创建数百个分区,然后每次输入一个新的AnimalType都必须创建一个新分区。

因此,我想要的是某种方式告诉 SQL Server 基于 AnimalType 进行分区。如果 AnimalType 已经有一个分区,请使用该分区,否则 SQL Server 将自动创建一个新分区。




2 回答 2


Partitioning is a solution for storage problems, ie. determine on what filegroup data is located based on some field value. On its own, it gives no real performance benefit, in fact it actually slows down queries most times because new partition location operators need to be added. The only way to enforce queries to consider only one partition is the $PARTITION syntax, and this cannot be used in real world applications scenarios. Queries that opt to look up only one partition do so solely based on the index ranges, and would scan exactly the same number of records with or without partitioning.

the only time when partitioning has a performance benefit is for administration activities like partition switch in and switch out from a table or bulk import operations.

Performance benefits can come only from proper indexes and carefully designed queries.

于 2009-10-28T05:33:47.200 回答


Marlon Ribunal 文章,参见动态分区部分

SQL Shack 上的 Jignesh Rayani 如何在 SQL Server 中自动执行表分区

我还想补充一点,分区可以在某些情况下提高查询性能。对我来说,通过聚集列存储索引,我能够利用分区来促进段消除。请参阅 2018 年关于它的 SO 帖子:



于 2021-04-01T18:40:57.223 回答