我的实用程序应用程序在另一个应用程序上执行文本编辑操作。用户在 NSPanel 中设置参数并单击“确定”后,NSPanel 将关闭并迭代一个 while 循环,在目标应用程序中执行必要的文本编辑。
while 循环简化了。
- (IBAction)fileNameTrimAppend:(id)sender {
[self activateTargetApp]; // applescript that brings target app to front
[self openFileRenameDialog]; // applescript to open the file naming dialog
// set variables to use in the loop from the user input
[self close]; // close the input NSPanel
while ([self fileRenameDialogOpen]) { // applescript returns false when editing is done
if (command +"." is held down){ // need help here
// text mod is done here.
// paste the mod text into target app field
// move to the next field for editing