I am learning how to use the asp.net webapi. I want to make an admin area where I can do admin stuff but also add,edit,delete stuff into my database.

I believe I need to make some regular asp.net mvc views and controllers for this. I of course want to secure these pages and only let authorized users in.

I would like to use Oauth. I know that mvc 4 now has build in support now for it but I am not sure which nuget package to download into my webapi project.

I am also unclear if you can register any oauth provider. I am looking at the asp.net mvc 4 internet soultion and I see like RegisterGoogle, RegisterFacebook yet I don't see an option for foursquare and I am not sure if I can add it myself or what.


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在 5 月的 MSDN 杂志上,有一篇文章详细介绍了这方面的内容,题为ASP.NET MVC 4 中的 Social Authenticiation。我认为这有您正在寻找的东西,但是在如何在 asp.net mvc 4 中实现社交登录中也回答了另一个类似的堆栈溢出问题?

于 2013-06-11T18:15:59.850 回答