I actually have two questions:

  1. How do I modify a custom control that inherits from a FrameworkElement that only holds one child (e.g. Page or ContentControl) so that it holds multiple children (like a Panel)? Can this be done from the class definition?

  2. How do I bind the children of a custom control to a Panel object (e.g WrapPanel) defined in the template of the custom control?

I'm not even sure if it is possible, but I want to create a custom control that behaves like a Page, or may even inherit from Page, but allows me to enter in children in XAML. For example, I would like the XAML for generating my custom control to look like this:

<CustomPage CustomAttribute="blah">
    <TextBlock Text="hehe"/>
    <Label Content="ha!"/>

I want to define in the style that a WrapPanel displays the children. Something like this:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type CustomPage}">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type CustomPage}">

I would replace the WrapPanel with a ContentPresenter except that I want the ContentPresenter to behave like a WrapPanel.

I hope this is specific enough.


2 回答 2


实际上,您可以使用 ItemsControl 完全按照您的意愿行事。

            <TextBlock Text="hehe"/>
            <Label Content="ha!"/>


编辑:您可以使用上面的 ItemsControl 作为页面中的根元素来获得页面的功能。

于 2013-05-02T23:58:45.693 回答


最后,我创建了一个继承自 Page 的自定义控件,并为其定义了一个 ContentProperty。这显然覆盖了基类的 ContentProperty。这也适用于任何控制类型。这是我的代码:

    class CustomPage : System.Windows.Controls.Page
        ObservableCollection<UIElement> children = new ObservableCollection<UIElement>();
        public ObservableCollection<UIElement> Children { get { return children; } set { children = value; } }

然后,我在 Themes/Generic.xaml 文件中为我的控件定义了模板,并使用我的自定义 ContentProperty 作为源使用 ItemsControl:

    <Style TargetType="local:CustomPage">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Children,
                                                RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}">



于 2013-05-10T17:08:47.107 回答