我正在用 PHP 和 SQL 创建一个股票交易游戏。我有一个“购买”功能,可将股票 ID、用户 ID 和数量添加到名为“ownedstocks”的表中。
If the user id and the stock id of the stock being purchased are already exists in 'ownedstocks' table, then I just want to update the quantity.
Else if no rows exist for the given user id and stock id, then I want to insert a new row.
我有代码,但不确定使用 IF-ELSE。
include_once 'header.php';
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$price = $_SESSION['price'];
$total = $amount*$price;
$balance = $_SESSION['balance'];
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$newbalance = ($balance - $total);
queryMysql("UPDATE ownedstocks
SET quantity = (quantity+$amount)
WHERE ownedstocks.userid = '$user' and ownedstocks.stockid = '$id'");
queryMysql("INSERT INTO ownedstocks
VALUES ('$user', '$id', '$amount')");
queryMysql("UPDATE members
SET balance = $newbalance
WHERE members.user = '$user'");
echo("You just purchased $id costing $price per stock<br/><br/>
You bought $amount stocks<br/><br/>
To calculate your bill: $price x $amount which equals $total<br/><br/>
You have just spent $total, your new balance is $newbalance <br/><br/>");