具有用于处理此类情况的内置对象类型。创建一个 rasterStack 并使用它来查找平均值要高效得多:calc
days<-formatC(1:31, width=2, flag="0")
files <- list( paste("2004" , "01" , days , "1.nc" , sep="" ) )
## First 3 filenames:
# [1] "200401011.nc" "200401021.nc" "200401031.nc"
sms <- stack( files )
smMean <- calc( sms , mean , na.rm = TRUE )
根据 OP 评论编辑
x:文件名(字符)、范围、Raster*、SpatialPixels*、SpatialGrid*、对象、“图像”、矩阵、im 或缺失。
smRaster <- lapply( files , raster , varname = "sm" )
这将返回一个列表对象,其中的每个元素都是一个栅格对象。这可能对您没有多大用处,但您可以使用 等访问每smRaster[[1]]
在 usingstack
## First we use our files list to make the rasterStack
smStack <- stack( files , varname = "sm" )
## 'sum' returns a new rasterLayer, each cell is the sum of the corresponding cells in the stack
smSum <- sum( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )
## 'mean' does the same!!
smMean <- mean( smStack , na.rm = TRUE )
## What if we want the mean of only the first 7 days of rasters?
smMean <- mean( smStack[[1:7]] , na.rm = TRUE )
## To see how many rasters in the stack...
nlayers( smStack )
## To make a new object of just the first 7 rasters in the stack
subset( smStack , 1:7 )
## Is roughly equivalent to using the `[[` operator like this to get the first 7 layers in a new object
newRaster <- smStack[[1:7]]
## If you want to access an individual layer..
smStack[[ layernumber/or layername here ]]
## And to get the names:
names( smStack)
如果您的栅格覆盖相同的空间范围和分辨率,我强烈建议您使用堆栈。对于 R 和您的编码而言,仅使用stack
! 我希望我已经说服了你!:-)