Its not really easy to do that since Yii doesn't know the difference between those two URLs:{city}/{price}{city}/{accommodation}
What you can do though is change the route to this system:
'<param1:\w+>/<param2:\w+>/<param3:\w+>/<param4:\w+>/<param5:\w+>/<param6:\d+/<param7:\d+>' => 'Travels/list'
Your action would have to identify which query parameter represents which parameter for your search query. In some instances in your system, this should be easy enough. For example, there's a limited number of countries, there's probably a limited number of traveling types, etc.
In case of{city}/{accommodation}
your system would query "param1" (= city) against a list of countries, cities, traveling types, accomodation types and catering types to determine that param1 is indeed a city. It would then proceed with param2 to determine that it defines the accomodation.
Prices are easier to identify because they are different data types (in case of a traveling search engine integer is probably good enough), so you can easily identify prices by simply checking if a price is an integer (or similar).
To differentiate price_from and price_to I suggest you assume that if there's only one price, it's price_from; if there's two prices, the first is price_from, the second is price_to.
If you want to only set price_to, you set price_from to 0.
I hope that covers what you want to do. It can be quite complicated to set up, but that's the price you have to pay for a URL route like that. :)