假设我有以下 Scala API,我计划从 Scala 和 Java 调用它:
sealed abstract class InterpMethod
case object InterpLinear extends InterpMethod
case object InterpNearest extends InterpMethod
case object InterpSpline extends InterpMethod
class Interpolator {
def interp(method: InterpMethod) = method match {
case InterpLinear => { ... }
case InterpNearest => { ... }
case InterpSpline => { ... }
object Interpolator { def apply() = new Interpolator }
// Scala Usage:
import myPackage._
// Java Usage:
import myPackage.*
Interpolator myInterp = new Interpolator()
在 Scala 中运行良好。Java抛出编译错误:InterpNearest cannot be resolved to a variable
任何最佳实践或解决方法将不胜感激。这旨在成为更大流畅界面的一部分。我的关键标准是它需要在 Java 和 Scala 中都可用且干净。