(define data "the text in
mydata.scm here")
(load "mydata.scm")
(use utils)
(read-all "mydata.txt")
(file->string "mydata.txt")
;works in chicken-csi and Racket
(define (readlines filename)
(call-with-input-file filename
(lambda (p)
(let loop ((line (read-line p))
(result '()))
(if (eof-object? line)
(reverse result)
(loop (read-line p) (cons line result)))))))
由于读取行需要一个额外的文件,运行一个可执行编译的 chicken-csc 会出错。
;works in Chicken, Racket, SISC
;Read a file to a list of chars
(define (file->char_list path)
(call-with-input-file path
(lambda (input-port)
(let loop ((x (read-char input-port)))
((eof-object? x) '())
(#t (begin (cons x (loop (read-char input-port))))))))))
此功能相当快速且可跨实现移植。所需要的只是将 char_list 转换为字符串。
;may not work if there is limit on arguments
(apply string (file->char_list "mydata.txt"))
问题是某些实现对可以传递给函数的参数数量有限制。2049 个字符的列表在 Chicken 中不起作用。
;works in Chicken, Racket
(foldr (lambda (x y) (string-append (string x) y)) "" (file->char_list "mydata.txt"))
问题是:首先,foldr 没有被普遍认可(SISC),尽管它可以被定义。其次,由于附加了每个字符,这种方法非常慢。
我编写了接下来的两个函数将字符列表分割成嵌套列表,直到最低级别不会超过 Chicken 中的最大参数计数。第三个函数遍历嵌套的 char 列表并使用 string string-append 返回一个字符串:
(define (cleave_at n a)
((null? a) '())
((zero? n) (list '() a))
((lambda (x)
(cons (cons (car a) (car x)) (cdr x)))
(cleave_at (- n 1) (cdr a))))))
(define (cleave_binary_nest n a)
((equal? n (length a)) (list a))
((lambda (x)
((> (length (car x)) n) (map (lambda (y) (cleave_binary_nest n y)) x))
(#t x)))
(cleave_at (floor (/ (length a) 2)) a)))))
(define (binary_nest_char->string a)
((null? a) "")
((char? (car a)) (apply string a))
(#t (string-append
(binary_nest_char->string (car a)) (binary_nest_char->string (cdr a))))))
;Works in Racket, Chicken, SISC
;faster than foldr method (3x faster interpreted Chicken) (30x faster compiled Chicken) (125x faster Racket gui)
(binary_nest_char->string (cleave_binary_nest 2048 (file->char_list "mydata.txt")))
(define (alphaspace? x)
((and (char-ci>=? x #\a) (char-ci<=? x #\z)) #t)
((equal? x #\space) #t)
(#t #f)))
(define (filter pred lis)
; if lis is empty
(if (null? lis)
; return an empty list
; otherwise, if the predicate is true on the first element
(if (pred (car lis))
; return the first element concatenated with the
; result of calling filter on the rest of lis
(cons (car lis) (filter pred (cdr lis)))
; otherwise (if the predicate was false) just
; return the result of filtering the rest of lis
(filter pred (cdr lis)))))
(define data (file->char_list "mydata.txt"))
(define data_alphaspace (filter alphaspace? data))
(define result (binary_nest_char->string (cleave_binary_nest 2048 data_alphaspace)))
这适用于 Racket、Chicken(解释和编译)和 SISC(Java)。这些方言中的每一个也应该适用于 Linux、Mac (OS X) 和 Windows。