在 Chrome 和 Opera 中有一种隐蔽的方式来获取域(在多个嵌套的跨域 iframe 中),尽管在其他浏览器中是不可能的。
因此,我在下面创建了一个代码片段来分享,如果您认为可以改进代码或评论,请不要犹豫,在 Github 上编辑要点,以便我们做得更好:
要点:https ://gist.github.com/ocundale/281f98a36a05c183ff3f.js
// return topmost browser window of current window & boolean to say if cross-domain exception occurred
const getClosestTop = () => {
let oFrame = window,
bException = false;
try {
while (oFrame.parent.document !== oFrame.document) {
if (oFrame.parent.document) {
oFrame = oFrame.parent;
} else {
//chrome/ff set exception here
bException = true;
} catch(e){
// Safari needs try/catch so sets exception here
bException = true;
return {
'topFrame': oFrame,
'err': bException
// get best page URL using info from getClosestTop
const getBestPageUrl = ({err:crossDomainError, topFrame}) => {
let sBestPageUrl = '';
if (!crossDomainError) {
// easy case- we can get top frame location
sBestPageUrl = topFrame.location.href;
} else {
try {
try {
// If friendly iframe
sBestPageUrl = window.top.location.href;
} catch (e) {
//If chrome use ancestor origin array
let aOrigins = window.location.ancestorOrigins;
//Get last origin which is top-domain (chrome only):
sBestPageUrl = aOrigins[aOrigins.length - 1];
} catch (e) {
sBestPageUrl = topFrame.document.referrer;
return sBestPageUrl;
// To get page URL, simply run following within an iframe on the page:
const TOPFRAMEOBJ = getClosestTop();
const PAGE_URL = getBestPageUrl(TOPFRAMEOBJ);
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