我正在为我大学的几个俱乐部创建一个 LiteCoin mmcFE-pushpool 池,但遇到了一些问题。首先,我们在 EC2 实例 (Ubuntu) 上运行,并且运行 mmcFE 和 pushpull。在我们启动这个池之前,我有两个主要问题......

1)在网页界面上,用户可以创建账号和登录就好了。在左侧,有一个错误/通知指出:注意:未定义变量:第 64 行 /var/www/includes/leftsidebar.php 中的 totalOverallShares 我也收到通知:未定义变量:/var/www 中的 totalOverallShares /includes/leftsidebar.php 在第 71 行

2)其次,我继续并忽略了之前的错误,并决定运行 CPU 矿工来测试统计信息。通常我可以在其他人的池中以大约 11kh/s 的速度散列(scrypt)。它现在已经运行了大约 5 小时,我在网站上的统计数据仍然是 0。cron 作业每 2 分钟运行一次。使用 MINERD 并且从未收到任何“提交的共享,是的!” 在我的电脑上......


    # network ports
    "listen" : [
            # binary protocol (default), port 8336
            { "port" : 8336 },

            # HTTP JSON-RPC protocol, port 8337
            { "port" : 8337, "protocol" : "http-json" }


# database settings
 "database" : {
           "engine" : "mysql",

           # 'host' defaults to localhost, if not specified
            "host" : "",

           # 'port' uses proper default port for the DB engine,
           # if not specified
           "port" : "3306",

           "name" : "sc",
           "username" : "myusername",
           "password" : "mypasswd",
           "sharelog" : true,
           "stmt.pwdb":"SELECT password FROM pool_worker WHERE username = ?",

           "stmt.sharelog":"INSERT INTO shares (rem_host, username, our_result,               upstream_result, reason, solution) VALUES (?, ?, ?, $

    # cache settings
    "memcached" : {
            "servers" : [
                    { "host" : "", "port" : 11211 }
            "servers" : [
                    { "host" : "", "port" : 11211 }

    "pid" : "/tmp/pushpoold.pid",

    # overrides local hostname detection
    "forcehost" : "localhost.localdomain",

    "log.requests" : "/tmp/request.log",
    "log.shares" : "/tmp/shares.log",

    # the server assumes longpolling (w/ SIGUSR1 called for each blk)
    "longpoll.disable" : false,

    # length of time to cache username/password credentials, in seconds
    "auth.cred_cache.expire" : 75,

    # RPC settings
    "rpc.url" : "",
    "rpc.user" : "user",
    "rpc.pass" : "pass",

    # rewrite returned 'target' to difficulty-1?
    "rpc.target.rewrite" : true,

    # allow clients to update the ntime field of their work
    "roll.ntime.disable" : false

上面显示了我的 PUSHPOOLD 配置。下面是我的 litecoind conf:


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