I'm trying to make a database of users for a website that will store correlation values between all the users. What I mean by this is that for every pair of users, there is a stored value of correlation between the two users.

The correlation values will be calculated by PHP using a correlation algorithm. My question is what is the most correct way to store them in a MySQL database? I realize I could make a table like this:

        | user1 | user2 | user3 | etc... |
| user1 | #val  | #val  | #val  | #val   |
| user2 | #val  | #val  | #val  | #val   |
| user3 | #val  | #val  | #val  | #val   |

etcetera. But I don't like this method because

  • It stores every value twice; for example the correlation between user1 and user3 is stored in row 1 column 3 as well as row 3 column 1.
  • I use prepared statements, which means I can't select columns named after user IDs unless I concatenate the user ID into the SQL statement, which is obviously not ideal.

What are my alternatives? If this can be done in MySQL well, how do I go about it?

If this can't be done well in MySQL, are there any other database types I should try to learn? For example, I realize a graph database system may work well for this, but I don't want to spend time learning how to use a graph database if this can be done in MySQL.


3 回答 3



给定用户 A、B、C、D 和 E,您的数据集是三角形的;

  A B C D E
B *  
C * *
D * * *
E * * * *
  1. 在上面的矩阵中AA、BB、CC、DD和EE是没有意义的。
  2. 为避免重复,AB 与 BA 相同。CD 与 DC 相同,以此类推。

您可以通过这种方式将三角形数据集保存在面向表的 SQL 数据库中;

id usr usr c
0  A   B   1
1  A   C   5
2  A   D   3
3  A   E   4
4  B   C   3


于 2013-05-02T00:38:08.813 回答

在我看来,最好的解决方案是有 2 个表......用户和用户关系


User1Field | User2Field | ValueField
#User      | #User      | #val
#User      | #User      | #val
#User      | #User      | #val
于 2013-05-02T00:10:26.473 回答

通常,您会在 JOIN 表中执行类似的操作。因此,假设您有一个users表,其中包含一个user_id字段以及您需要的任何其他字段。您可以构建一个名为user_relations或类似的表,该表仅具有两个 user_id 外键字段,它们以某种方式关联用户。

user_id_1  |   user_id_2
1          |   2
1          |   3
2          |   1
3          |   1
...        |   ...



SELECT u1.*, u2.*
  users AS u1
  INNER JOIN user_relations AS ur
    ON u1.user_id = ur.user_id_1
  INNER JOIN users AS u2
    ON ur.user_id_2 = u2.user_id
WHERE u1.user_id = ? /* or whatever filter you may need to apply */


于 2013-05-02T00:10:35.377 回答