FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("c:\\students.txt", "r");
只会返回程序可以在您的 .txt 文件中找到的实际数据量- 这是非常具有误导性的。主要用途是获取循环的元素数量。如果您确切知道文件应该已经包含什么,您可以将文件上传到您的程序中,并将其打印在屏幕上而无需触摸此功能。仅当您不知道文件中的内容时才使用此选项。 getline()
是您打印特定行的首选。没有办法解决这个问题,您将需要特定的库。 这是我在对此进行自学时编写的示例代码,仅展示了如何使用它们,并在程序和程序外部的单独 txt 文件上打印出来。然而它没有getline()
Create an array of 5 values
Input 5 vales from a pre-created file, into the new array
Print out the 5 values into another file.
Close the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DATAFILE "E:/Data.txt"
#define REPORT "E:/Report.txt"
FILE *Open_File();
void Consolodate_Array(int a_array[], FILE *file_pointer);
void Print_File(int a_array[], FILE *report_pointer);
void end_function(FILE *file_pointer, FILE *report_pointer);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int array[5];
FILE *Datatext = Open_File();
//Declared "Datatext" to be equal to Open_File's Return value.
//FILE itself is like Int, Double, Float, ect.
FILE *ReportText = fopen(REPORT, "w");
//Did the same as above, just not in a separate function. This gives us a
//Pointer to the REPORT.txt file, in write mode instead of read mode.
Consolodate_Array(array, Datatext);
Print_File(array, ReportText);
end_function(Datatext, ReportText);
return 0;
//This function should open the file and pass a pointer
FILE *Open_File()
return fopen(DATAFILE, "rb");
//This function should input the variables gotten for the file, into the array
void Consolodate_Array(int a_array[], FILE *file_pointer)
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
fscanf(file_pointer, "%i", &a_array[i]);
//This function prints out the values into the second file, & at us too.
void Print_File(int a_array[], FILE *report_pointer)
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
printf("%i\n", a_array[i]);
fprintf(report_pointer, "%i\n", a_array[i]);
//This function closes the file.
void end_function(FILE *file_pointer, FILE *report_pointer)
//closes both files we worked on.