有谁知道 java.util.concurrent 包中是否有以下 java 方法ScheduledExecutorService.html#scheduleAtFixedRate()
绝对保证,如果“最后”运行的可运行对象尚未完成,则 Runnable 计划将永远不会并行运行:
1.00 o'clock: scheduleAtFixedRate(MyRunnable, "Run ever Hour")`
//1.30 o'clock: MyRunnable Has finished (everthing is fine)
2.00 o'clock: MyRunnable is triggered to run again
3.00 o'clock: MyRunnable has NOT yet finished ==> What will happen here?
Will java Simply SKIP the starting of MyRunnable (as the old instance has not yet
finished) and try again at 4 o'clock or will Java start a NEW MyRunnable that then will
run in parallel to the "old" MyRunnable.