我需要根据父母的约束来获取一行的 ID。我想使用 eloquent 来做到这一点并保持优雅。此过程开始时需要注意的一些事项:我有 - country_code(2 位 iso)、lang_code(2 位语言缩写)我需要 - country_id、lang_id(主键)所以我可以得到 - market_id(最后一次查询需要)


// Only receive desired inputs
$input_get = Input::only('marketCode','langCode');

// Need the country based on the "marketCode"
$countryId = Country::where('code',$input_get['marketCode'])->pluck('id');

// Get the lang_id from "langCode"
$languageId = Language::where('lang_abbr',$input_get['langCode'])->pluck('lang_id');

// Get the market_id from country_id and lang_id
$marketId = Market::where('country_id', $countryId)

// Get All Market Translations for this market
$marketTranslation = MarketTranslation::where('market_id',$marketId)->lists('ml_val','ml_key');

我已经尝试了以下方法,但这只是根据约束急切地加载国家和语言。仅当 market_id 已知时,急切加载似乎才有帮助。

class Market extends Eloquent {
    protected $primaryKey = 'market_id';

    public function country() {
        return $this->belongsTo('Country');

    public function language(){
        return $this->belongsTo('Language','lang_id');

$markets = Market::with(array(
    'country' => function($query){
    'language'=> function($query){

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$market = Market::join( 'countries', 'countries.id', '=', 'markets.country_id' )
    ->join( 'languages', 'languages.id', '=', 'markets.language_id' )
    ->where( 'countries.code', '=', 'EE' )
    ->where( 'languages.lang_abbr', 'et' )

echo $market->id;

如果这是经常发生的事情,那么我可能会在 Market 模型中添加一个静态方法。

// in class Market
public static function lookup_id( $country_code, $language_abbreviation ) { ... }

// then later
$market_id = Market::lookup_id( 'EE', 'et' );
于 2013-05-01T21:15:22.043 回答

因此,在查看了关系之后,我能够在不使用手动联接或查询的情况下使其工作,而只需使用 ORM 中定义的关系。这似乎是正确的,因为它使用预先加载并过滤集合中所需的数据。

    // Get A country object that contains a collection of all markets that  use this country code
    $country = Country::getCountryByCountryCode('EE');

    // Filter out the market in the collection that uses the language specified by langCode
    $market = $country->markets->filter(function($market) {
        if ($market->language->lang_abbr == 'et') {
            return $market;

    // Get the market_id from the market object
    $marketId = $market->first()->market_id;


class Country extends Eloquent {

    public function markets() {
        return $this->hasMany('Market')->with('language');

    public static function getCountryByCountryCode($countryCode)
        return Country::with('markets')->where('code',$countryCode)->first();

class Market extends Eloquent {
    protected $primaryKey = 'market_id';

    public function country() {
        return $this->belongsTo('Country');

    public function language(){
        return $this->belongsTo('Language','lang_id');


class Language extends Eloquent {

    protected $primaryKey = 'lang_id';

于 2013-05-01T23:56:24.577 回答