悬停单元格后,是否有更有效的方法来显示工具提示?使用结构属性来格式化数据网格,有没有办法使用格式化程序来显示 dijit 工具提示,而不是使用 html 标题属性。
var subscriberGridLayout = [
name: " ",
field: "ExpirationDate",
formatter: function(value){
expDate = formatDateIE(value);
return toolTip();
return " ";
styles: "text-align: center;",
width: "30px"
这是通过图像标签显示工具提示图标的函数,但不是 dijit 工具提示,它只是使用 html 的标题来显示弹出窗口。
function toolTip(){
src = "'/Subscriber/resources/images/icons/icon_error.gif'/>";
if(dojo.date.difference(today, expDate) <= 0 ){
message = "Credential expired.";
return "<img title='"+ message + "' src=" + src + "";
} else if(dojo.date.difference(today, expDate) <= 60) {
message = "This Subscriber will expire in " + dojo.date.difference(today, expDate) + " days."
+ " To prevent an interruption in the Subscriber’s access, please sumbit a request to " +
"renew the Subscriber within 30 days of the expiration date.";
return "<img title='"+ message + "' src=" + src + "";
} else {
return " ";