我们也有这个需求,并通过编写一个新的 TProcessor 实现来解决这个需求,该实现创建了多个处理器的映射。唯一的问题是,使用此实现,您需要确保没有方法名称重叠 - 即不要在不同的服务器中使用像 Run() 这样好的通用名称。抱歉没有将 C# 转换为 Python...
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Thrift;
using Thrift.Protocol;
/// <summary>
/// Processor that allows for multiple services to run under one roof. Requires no method name conflicts across services.
/// </summary>
public class MultiplexProcessor : TProcessor {
public MultiplexProcessor(IEnumerable<TProcessor> processors) {
ProcessorMap = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate>>();
foreach (var processor in processors) {
var processMap = (IDictionary) processor.GetType().GetField("processMap_", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(processor);
foreach (string pmk in processMap.Keys) {
var imp = (Delegate) processMap[pmk];
try {
ProcessorMap.Add(pmk, new Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate>(processor, imp));
catch (ArgumentException) {
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Method already exists in process map: {0}", pmk));
protected readonly Dictionary<string, Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate>> ProcessorMap;
internal protected Dictionary<string, Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate>> GetProcessorMap() {
return new Dictionary<string, Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate>>(ProcessorMap);
public bool Process(TProtocol iprot, TProtocol oprot) {
try {
TMessage msg = iprot.ReadMessageBegin();
Tuple<TProcessor, Delegate> fn;
ProcessorMap.TryGetValue(msg.Name, out fn);
if (fn == null) {
TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, TType.Struct);
var x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.ExceptionType.UnknownMethod, "Invalid method name: '" + msg.Name + "'");
oprot.WriteMessageBegin(new TMessage(msg.Name, TMessageType.Exception, msg.SeqID));
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Invoking service method {0}.{1}", fn.Item1, fn.Item2);
fn.Item2.Method.Invoke(fn.Item1, new object[] {msg.SeqID, iprot, oprot});
catch (IOException) {
return false;
return true;
Processor = new MultiplexProcessor(
new List<TProcessor> {
new ReportingService.Processor(new ReportingServer()),
new MetadataService.Processor(new MetadataServer()),
new OtherService.Processor(new OtherService())
Server = new TThreadPoolServer(Processor, Transport);