我正在加载一个 svg 对象来操作。看来,当我单击链接进入页面时,svg 加载并且 $(window).load 在加载 svg 之前触发。但是,刷新页面时它可以正常工作。我想也许是因为它是第一次从缓存中加载 svg?有什么我可以做的吗?我能想到的唯一事情是非常粗制滥造,比如添加一个短暂的延迟......这在Firefox中似乎不是问题。只有铬。
function getSubDocument(embedding_element) {
if(embedding_element.contentDocument) {
return embedding_element.contentDocument;
} else {
var subdoc = null;
try {
subdoc = embedding_element.getSVGDocument();
} catch(e) {}
return subdoc;
$(window).load(function () {
alert('loading complete');
var a = document.getElementById("hero");
var svgDoc = getSubDocument(a); //a.contentDocument; //get the inner DOM of alpha.svg
var hair = svgDoc.getElementById("hair");
var shirt = svgDoc.getElementById("body");
var head = svgDoc.getElementById("head");
var left_arm = svgDoc.getElementById("left_arm");
var right_arm = svgDoc.getElementById("right_arm");
var pants = svgDoc.getElementById("pants");
//var weapon = svgDoc.getElementById('axe');
//weapon.setAttribute('display', "");
hair.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.hair_color }}');
shirt.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.shirt_color }}');
head.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.skin_color }}');
left_arm.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.skin_color }}');
right_arm.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.skin_color }}');
pants.setAttribute("fill", '{{ profile.pants_color }}');
$("input[name='colorType']").change(function () {
var ct = $("input[name='colorType']:checked").val();
var c;
if(ct == 'Hair') {
c = $("#id_hair_color").val();
} else if(ct == 'Shirt') {
c = $("#id_shirt_color").val();
} else if(ct == 'Skin') {
c = $("#id_skin_color").val();
} else if(ct == 'Pants') {
c = $("#id_pants_color").val();
$('#colorpicker').farbtastic(function (e) {
var ct = $("input[name='colorType']:checked").val();
c = $.farbtastic('#colorpicker').color;
if(ct == 'Hair') {
hair.setAttribute('fill', c);
} else if(ct == 'Shirt') {
shirt.setAttribute('fill', c);
} else if(ct == 'Skin') {
head.setAttribute('fill', c);
left_arm.setAttribute('fill', c);
right_arm.setAttribute('fill', c);
} else if(ct == 'Pants') {
pants.setAttribute('fill', c);
// conole.log(JSON.stringify($.farbtastic('#colorpicker').color));
// hair.setAttribute("fill", c);
// var sword = svgDoc.getElementById("right_arm"); //get the inner element by id
// // sword.addEventListener("mousedown",function(){alert('hello world!')},false);
// alert('got to here');
<embed src="/static/images/hero2.svg" style="width: 100%" id="hero" type="image/svg+xml" />