这是一个 Item 是一个类的练习,当我运行 testAll 时,我有一个 valueError。假设产量只返回 2 个值,即 2 个袋子的内容:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#63>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Downloads/L18_code.py", line 101, in testAll
ValueError: too many values to unpack
def buildItems():
return [Item(n,v,w) for n,v,w in (('clock', 175, 10),
('painting', 90, 9),
('radio', 20, 4),
('vase', 50, 2),
('book', 10, 1),
('computer', 200, 20))]
def yieldAllCombos(items):
Generates all combinations of N items into two bags, whereby each item is in one or
zero bags.
Yields a tuple, (bag1, bag2), where each bag is represented as a list of which item(s)
are in each bag.
N = len(items)
# enumerate the 3**N possible combinations
for i in xrange(3**N):
combo1 = []
combo2 = []
for j in xrange(N):
# test bit jth of integer i
if (i >> j) % 3 == 1:
elif (i>>j) % 3 == 2:
def testAll():
items = buildItems()