
错误 -1055653635:元数据管理器中的错误。<> 多维数据集引用的 ID 为 <>、名称为 <> 的维度不存在。错误 -1055653859:元数据管理器中的错误。从文件“\?\W:\OLAP\Data\BlahBlah Cubes.0.db\Blah.8.cub.xml”加载 Blah 多维数据集时出错。

对于初学者来说,它认为缺少的维度确实存在于服务器上的 SSAS 数据库中。维度 ID 在多维数据集和维度中似乎都匹配,因此它不像 ID 已重命名,现在它们不匹配。有时可以通过有效删除使用相同维度的两个多维数据集来修复它,然后如果您重新部署其中一个,则第一个可能会重新部署 OK,但第二个则不会。令人费解的一点是为什么在先前通过删除数据库并重新启动..etc 解决了该错误时,该错误仍然反复出现。我们使用该维度是否有某种特殊方式更可能导致元数据管理器感到困惑(?)


4 回答 4


我遇到过同样的问题。事实证明,它所抱怨的目录中有空的 XML 文件。


元数据管理器中的错误。从文件 \?\R:\ANALYSIS\Warehouse.0.db\Role.5.role.xml 实例化元数据对象时出错

当我导航到 \?\R:\ANALYSIS\Warehouse.0.db\ 时,我发现 Role.5.role.xml 文件为 0KB。我删除(移动得很好,为了安全起见)文件,重新部署解决方案,错误消失了:)

于 2015-03-18T17:09:08.357 回答

I don't know whether this is the root cause but i recreated same error every time i process the cube.

Let me begin the story, I was working on optimization of cubes as our reports where running slow. I found out that there is a Customer dimension which is actually larger than fact "Depreciated Dimension", so i created new customer dimension "customer1" which has customers equal to fact. So that way, i resolved my optimization. Then there were 4 more cubes for which i have to create whole new customer dimension specific to those cubes. So i created second customer dimension "customer2" for another cube, thought of processing it first and boom, i got this error "metadata manager error: \somelocation...\\customer1.dim.0.xml error". I very carefully read that error message and i thought, why its throwing error for the dimension "customer1" when i am trying to process dimension "customer2". then processed dimension "customer1" and it got processed. Then i processed my second dimension "customer2" and it got processed.

I was delighted but also pissed and confused, that how come this are interrelated or from which MS SSAS document says that u have to follow sequence for processing. So to test this i created 1 more dimension "customer3" then repeated same steps above. try to process first this dimension, got error , then processed the first dimension "customer1", then processed dimension "customer3" and again i got error but for dimension "customer2" then i processed dimension "customer2" then "customer3" all processed successfully. and now every time i have to process, i have to follow sequences. hope this helps..



于 2013-05-05T03:09:23.513 回答

我会将您的 SSAS 数据库位置移动到本地驱动器。来自 MSDN:“网络共享的任何 UNC 路径或任何高延迟远程存储解决方案都会导致安装不受支持。”


于 2013-05-02T04:29:28.550 回答


于 2018-06-08T20:47:39.477 回答