Trying to get find_path to do what I want.

find_path(temmp include/help.h)
message("temmp= ${temmp}")

help.h is found. The output is temmp= /usr/local/toolA

find_path(temmp include/foo.shoe)
message("temmp= ${temmp}")

foo.shoe does not exist (not found). The output is temmp= /usr/local/toolA The cache variable exists, so the variable (temmp) is untouched.

I try and clear the cache var with this:

set (temmp "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
find_path(temmp include/help.h)
message("temmp= ${temmp}")

No change. The variable is cleared, but still exists. The output is temmp= (find_path does not run.)

How can I delete the temmp variable from the cache? (I want to force the find_path to run again.)


1 回答 1



unset(temmp CACHE)


find_path(temmp help.h include)
于 2013-04-30T22:16:54.040 回答