我想知道我是否可以在我希望搜索引擎索引的单词或短语上使用 css 生成的内容。如果屏幕阅读器解释 css 生成的内容,则阅读内容是好坏参半,但我在搜索引擎上没有看到任何内容


1 回答 1


There is no evidence of search engines using CSS generated content, and on general grounds, it is unlikely they use or will use it. It is not impossible, however. A search engine could have a full rendering engine that inspects all the textual content, including generated content. But there is little reason to think that they will.

For one thing, it would be considerable added complexity to the search engine software. For another, it would not pay off, since most sites do not use generated content or use it to add just some punctuation characters or other content that is rather irrelevant to searching.

So if you want search engines to index something, put it into the normal content.

于 2013-04-30T21:03:38.030 回答