I am using Fine Uploader + jQuery and PHP and everything works fine in Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera... etc. But i tested it on Safari and on several android phones and it does not split the files into chunks. Fine uploader is sending the whole file. What am i missing? I readed the whole documentation (i think so) and there i did not found anything related about iOS/Android/Safari.
This is the $_POST send by Chrome
[uniqueid] => 75743724051801b4b497c5
[qqpartindex] => 0
[qqpartbyteoffset] => 0
[qqchunksize] => 65535
[qqtotalparts] => 69
[qqtotalfilesize] => 4475550
[qqfilename] => DSCF1803.JPG
[qquuid] => 573dba70-6b45-4ea4-95a5-07597d37ed80
and from Safari
[qquuid] => a66e27f4-769a-46d8-8429-b0d975a519e1
[qqtotalfilesize] => 4475550
Thanks in advance.