I am building a Sudoku solver that use the Try and Fail technique to solve any problem. My algorithm is:
1)Update (method that remove any possible value that already given as a final value to element in the same Row, column or squar)
2)Get the minimum element that has minimum number of possible values
3)start solve assuming the first possible value is the final value
4)save the current sate into a stack
5)Try to solve
5-a)If solved, return
5-b)if not solved and with invalid Sudoku, then Pop previous state
6)Repeat step 3) for all possible vaues (9)
7)Repeat step 2) until the puzzel is solved
This is my code
Stack<Element[][]> myStack= new Stack<>();
private Element[][] mySudoku;
public void solve(){
update();//remove all final values from all possible values for each element
//find a cell that is not confirmed and has the minimal candidates
int celli=-1,cellj=-1, p=10;
for(int i=0;i<9;i++){
for(int j=0;j<9;j++){
try {
for (int c = 0; c < mySudoku[celli][cellj].getPossibleValues().size() - 1; c++) {
//save state
Element[][] copy=deepCopy(mySudoku);//copy the current state
//apply candidate to cell
update();//check is solved
try {
mySudoku = myStack.pop();
} catch (EmptyStackException est) {
//do nothing
} catch (Exception e) {
//if we have reached here then we are at the last possible value for the candidates so confirm candidate in cell
if(celli!=-1 && cellj!=-1 && p!=10) {//Some problems happen here "out of Boundry -1 Error"
}//end of solve method
I have spent more than 6 hours trying to find out the problem. I have checked for the Update() method, deepCopy() method and checkValidInputSudoku() method. They all works fine. Thank you in Advance