i have a doubt about Drupal, i've recently developed a website using php and mysql, this site has a cms that was created by the previous developer, so... i have some new contents in the DB and i need to create the modules in the cms to manage them, but i've heard that it would be better if i install drupal. ¿Can i install this drupal cms and manage my already created DB?, i'm not using a drupal theme. I mean i only need to manage the DB not create the entire site. ¿is it possible? or it would be better just create the new modules into the already created cms (it isn't joomla, wordpress...) ¡thanks in advance!


2 回答 2


您将无法安装 Drupal 并使用它来管理现有站点。他们将有不同的数据结构。

如果您开始了解这两个 CMS 的数据结构,您可能会发现您可以从旧的导出到 Drupal。这需要对 MySQL 有一定的了解。

于 2013-04-30T19:51:31.817 回答

您可以使用现有的数据库,也可以构建自定义模块以使用为您的自定义 CMS 创建的其他表中的数据。但是,没有直接或自动的方式可以让您访问这些数据!您必须编写自己的代码!

于 2013-05-01T10:44:23.647 回答