假设我有一个数据库,其中包含 2 个具有以下名称 (tbl1tbl2) 的表。上面的每个表都有不同的列数,tbl1有 3列,tbl2有 4 列。



      public Main()  
        // for tbl1 with 3 columns.
        string sql = "select * from tbl1"
        MySqlCommand com = new MySqlCommand(sql, con);
        MySqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteDataReader();
        DataTable dt = GetDataTable(3);

        while (dr.Read())
          if (dr.HasRows)
            dt.Rows.Add(dr[0], dr[1], dr[2]);  <---- Point of interest

        // for tbl2 with 4 columns.
        string sql = "select * from tbl2";
        MySqlCommand com = new MySqlCommand(sql, con);
        MySqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteDataReader();
        DataTable dt = GetDataTable(4);

        while (dr.Read())
          if (dr.HasRows)
              dt.Rows.Add(dr[0], dr[1], dr[2], dr[3]);  <---- Point of interest

      public DataTable GetDataTable(int columnCount)
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        if (columnCount > 0)
          for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            dt.Columns.Add(i.ToString(), typeof(object));
        return dt;




String generated from a function base on number of columns:
    "dt.Rows.Add(dr[0], dr[1], dr[2], dr[3])"
Then, use the string as a command to add rows...

2 回答 2


使用数据读取器的 GetSchemaTable 方法找出您有多少列。


public DataTable ReadTable(string sql, params object[] parameters) {

    using (var cmd = CreateCommand(sql, parameters))
            var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            if (reader == null)
                return null;

            var schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();
                            DataTable dt = GetTable(schemaTable);

            while (reader.Read())
                var values = new object[reader.FieldCount];


private DataTable GetTable(DataTable schemaTable) {
        if (schemaTable == null || schemaTable.Rows.Count == 0)
            return null;

        var dt = new DataTable();
        foreach (DataRow schemaRow in schemaTable.Rows)
            var col = new DataColumn
                ColumnName = schemaRow["ColumnName"].ToString(),
                                    DataType = schemaRow["DataType"]
                                  // use the debugger to find out the name of the type column in the schematable, 
                                  // and any other properties you need
        return dt;


注意:我使用这样的代码不是为了创建 DataTable,而是将读取的行转换为 IEnumerable 对象(我们正在使用一些 DB2 Entity Framework 库,它们不会使用 sql 语句自动执行此操作)。

正如许多人提到的,如果您只想读取 DataTable,请创建一个 DataAdapter 并使用 Fill() 方法。

// Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object.
string queryString = 
 "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM dbo.Customers";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connection);

DataSet customers = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(customers, "Customers");


于 2013-04-30T19:20:28.773 回答

这是填充数据集以获取结果的 VB 示例(从我的一个包装器修改)。


Sub ExampleUsage()
    Dim ds as new dataset
    ExecuteDataSetFill(AnSqlConnection, "SELECT * FROM Something; SELECT * from SomethingElse", ds)
    Dim Tbl1 as datatable=ds.Tables(0)
    Dim Tbl2 as datatable=ds.Tables(1)
    ' both tables will ALREADY HAVE all the rows in them, there is no reader involved.
End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Performs a FILL operation on an adapter, populating the passed in dataset for the current "OpenConnection", returns the return value of the FILL command.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="sSQL">SQL to use for the command to issue</param>
    ''' <param name="dsToFill">a DataSet to FILL</param>
    ''' <returns>The Return Value of the FILL operation</returns>
    Public Overridable Function ExecuteDataSetFill(ByVal con As SqlClient.SqlConnection, ByVal sSQL As String, ByVal dsToFill As DataSet) As Integer
        Dim da As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
        Dim com As SqlClient.SqlCommand = con.CreateCommand
        com.CommandText = sSQL
        da.SelectCommand = com
        Dim iOut As Integer
        dsToFill.EnforceConstraints = False
        Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
            iOut = da.Fill(dsToFill)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw New Exception("DataSet Error. " & vbCrLf & "SQL = " & sSQL & vbCrLf & "Error=" & ex.ToString, ex)
        End Try
        Return iOut
    End Function
于 2013-04-30T23:45:09.213 回答