The following piece of code has a bug but it opened an interesting question. Its using an angular's $http service which returns a promise. Once resolved, the callback function does not have access to the s1 variable.
var ids = [];
ids = ['81074'];
// show what's in
for (var s=0;s<ids.length;s++) {
var s1 = s;
$http.get('' + ids[s]).
success(function(data) {
// console.log(s1); <--- reference error
console.log('--------- error',err);
s1 gives ReferenceError: s1 is not defined in the debugger
And interestingly, it does have access to the for loop variable s, which is always 1 - as expected, since the promise got resolved after its incremented (hence the bug BTW)
Can someone explains why?