我有几个问题,我都没有单独成功解决。我通读了有关克隆单选按钮的所有问答,然后在此处发布之前尝试了许多(如果不是大多数)增量 ID 解决方案。

成功的代码让我望而却步。底部有一个 JSFiddle 链接!

1) 我想使用增量来更改克隆元素上的名称和 ID

我 [认为] 更愿意使用这种失败的方法,主要是因为我不知道在哪里放什么(即“??”) - 当然欢迎另一种方法:

var regex = /^(.*)(\d)+$/i;
var cloneIndex = $(".newloc").length;

$("button.clone").live("click", function(){
    .attr("id", "newloc" +  cloneIndex)
    .find("??").each(function() {
        var id = this.id || "";
        var match = id.match(regex) || [];
        if (match.length == 3) {
            this.id = match[1] + (cloneIndex);



3) 嵌套在克隆的 div 中的是一个 JQuery,依赖于单选按钮选择,在源中运行,但在克隆中失败。

4)尽我所能,我无法找出删除按钮功能的删除最后一个克隆脚本 - 很容易,我确定我错过了一些非常明显的东西。这失败了:

$("button.remove").live("click", function(){



这一切在理论上听起来很容易,但在 5 天和一个周末之后,我感到困惑和沮丧,所以我呼吁您提供帮助和帮助。

我在这里制作了我当前解决方案的 JSFiddle。



1 回答 1



在一位才华横溢的加州大学伯克利分校学生的帮助下 - 谢谢杰瑞!

$(document).ready(function () { 

    $('.remove').hide();//hiding the remove button
     var radioCounter = 0;
    // var prot = $(document).find('.newloc');

    $('.add').click(function () {

        //Preserve original location settings (first two in the list all times)
        //The reason for this if because when the form is first cloned, the names
        //of the radio buttons have not been changed yet, so the value of the original
        //radio buttons are lost, so we need to preserve them and then re-set them to
        //accordingly later.
        var originalConfVal = $('input[name="conference[0]"]:checked').val();
        var originalRoleVal = $('input[name="role[0]"]:checked').val();

        // this duplicates the section, and clears the values in the clone, adds a new class and places the clone
        //Set correct incremented names
        radioCounter += 1;

        var $allConfs = $('.authradio[name^="conference["]');
        var $allRoles = $('.authradio[name^="role["]');

        //Get last two conference authradios and set incremented names
        $allConfs.slice(-2, $allConfs.length).attr('name', 'conference[' + radioCounter + ']');

        //Get last 3 role authradios and set incremented names
        $allRoles.slice(-3, $allRoles.length).attr('name', 'role[' + radioCounter + ']');

        //Make the newly cloned radio buttons be checked at "no" for conference
        $('input[name="conference[' + radioCounter + ']"][value="no"]').prop("checked", "checked");
        $('input[name="role[' + radioCounter + ']"][value="Attendee"]').prop("checked", "checked");

        //Hide new sliding conference menu

        //Reset original radio buttons to preserved values
        $('input[name="conference[0]"][value="' + originalConfVal + '"]').prop("checked", "checked");
        $('input[name="role[0]"][value="' + originalRoleVal + '"]').prop("checked", "checked");

// -- ---------------------------------------------------- -->
        // this fixes the date picker repetition issue
        $('.authdepart:last').removeClass('hasDatepicker').attr('id', "").datepicker({
            numberOfMonths: 3,
            showButtonPanel: true
        $('.authreturn:last').removeClass('hasDatepicker').attr('id', "").datepicker({
            numberOfMonths: 3,
            showButtonPanel: true

        // clone styling
        $('<div/>').addClass("auth_98").css('border', 'none').append(
        $('<legend/>').append('New Location')));    

         //Scroll container
        $('#location_container').animate({scrollTop: $('#location_container')[0].scrollHeight}, "slow");



    $('.authradio').on('change', function () {
        if ($(this).val() == 'yes') $(this).parent().find('.hideme').slideDown();
        else $(this).parent().find('.hideme').slideUp();

        numberOfMonths: 3,
        showButtonPanel: true

    $("button.remove").on("click", function(){

于 2013-05-10T23:14:50.377 回答