因为 mp3 它是一种编码格式,所以您需要先对其进行解码才能从中获取光线数据(字节)。
class Mp3FileXuggler {
private boolean DEBUG = true;
private String _sInputFileName;
private IContainer _inputContainer;
private int _iBitRate;
private IPacket _packet;
private int _iAudioStreamId;
private IStreamCoder _audioCoder;
private int _iSampleBufferSize;
private int _iInputSampleRate;
private static SourceDataLine mLine;
private int DECODED_AUDIO_SECOND_SIZE = 176375; /** bytes */
private int _bytesPerPacket;
private byte[] _residualBuffer;
* Constructor, prepares stream to be readed
* @param input input File
* @throws UnsuportedSampleRateException
public Mp3FileXuggler(String sFileName) throws UnsuportedSampleRateException{
this._sInputFileName = sFileName;
this._inputContainer = IContainer.make();
this._iSampleBufferSize = 18432;
this._residualBuffer = null;
/** Open container **/
if (this._inputContainer.open(this._sInputFileName, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read the file: " + this._sInputFileName);
/** How many streams does the file actually have */
int iNumStreams = this._inputContainer.getNumStreams();
this._iBitRate = this._inputContainer.getBitRate();
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Bitrate: " + this._iBitRate);
/** Iterate the streams to find the first audio stream */
this._iAudioStreamId = -1;
this._audioCoder = null;
boolean bFound = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < iNumStreams && bFound == false){
/** Find the stream object */
IStream stream = this._inputContainer.getStream(i);
IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
/** If the stream is audio, stop looking */
if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO){
this._iAudioStreamId = i;
this._audioCoder = coder;
this._iInputSampleRate = coder.getSampleRate();
bFound = true;
/** If none was found */
if (this._iAudioStreamId == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find audio stream in container: " + this._sInputFileName);
/** Otherwise, open audiocoder */
if (this._audioCoder.open(null,null) < 0)
throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container: " + this._sInputFileName);
this._packet = IPacket.make();
/** Dummy read one packet to avoid problems in some audio files */
/** Supported sample rates */
case 22050:
this._bytesPerPacket = 2304;
case 44100:
this._bytesPerPacket = 4608;
public byte[] getSamples(){
byte[] rawBytes = null;
/** Go to the correct packet */
while (this._inputContainer.readNextPacket(this._packet) >= 0){
/** Once we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to the audio stream */
if (this._packet.getStreamIndex() == this._iAudioStreamId){
IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(this._iSampleBufferSize, this._audioCoder.getChannels());
// System.out.println(">> " + samples.toString());
/** Because a packet can contain multiple set of samples (frames of samples). We may need to call
* decode audio multiple times at different offsets in the packet's data */
int iCurrentOffset = 0;
while(iCurrentOffset < this._packet.getSize()){
int iBytesDecoded = this._audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, this._packet, iCurrentOffset);
iCurrentOffset += iBytesDecoded;
if (samples.isComplete()){
rawBytes = samples.getData().getByteArray(0, samples.getSize());
return rawBytes;
/** Otherwise drop it */
return rawBytes; /** This will return null at this point */
使用此类从 mp3 文件中获取原始数据,并将它们提供给您的频谱抽屉。