I am using the async library's parallel function, but I am running into a weird problem. I loop through an array of objects to create an array of functions called people. People gets passed into async's parallel method to execute in parallel. However, when I take a look at the parameter "people" that actually get passed into the "printFunction" it is wrong. The people parameter is always the last object in my people array.
So in this example, the console log in printFunction would print
{ 'name' : 'jar jar binks' }
{ 'name' : 'jar jar binks' }
var people = [{ 'name' : 'obi wan kenobi'}, { 'name' : 'jar jar binks' }];
// Create an array of tasks to be processed.
for(var i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
tasks.push( function(callback) {
setTimeout( makePrintFunction(people[i], callback), 200);
// Process those tasks.
async.parallel(tasks, function(err, stuff) {
// ...do some stuff with the returned array here.
Make Print Function:
function makePrintFunction(people, next) {
return validateAndTrackFlag(people, next);
function printFunction(people, next) {
console.log(people); // Always prints: { 'name' : 'jar jar binks' }
next(null, true)
Obviously this is not the real code, I just changed the names and objects.
Thanks for any help in advance.