Is it possible to store multiple small images or icons as parts of a single image, so that my webpage can get all the icons it needs from a single GET request. This would help my page load faster.

This is an example of the sort of composite image I'm referring to:


It seems to me that it is some kind of array of images put into one file. I'm hoping there is some way that i can use each individual icon in the image in a project.


1 回答 1


这些被称为sprite sheet,在 css-tricks 上有一篇关于它们的精彩文章,应该可以帮助您了解它们在网络上的工作方式。

CSS Sprites:它们是什么,为什么它们很酷,以及如何使用它们

于 2013-04-30T16:09:34.110 回答